ATtiny4/5/9/10 [DATASHEET]
Figure 14-6. Data changing and Data sampling.
The TPI physical layer supports two modes of operation: Transmit and Receive. By default, the layer is in Receive
mode, waiting for a start bit. The mode of operation is controlled by the access layer.
Serial Data Reception
When the TPI physical layer is in receive mode, data reception is started as soon as a start bit has been detected.
Each bit that follows the start bit will be sampled at the rising edge of the TPICLK and shifted into the shift register
until the second stop bit has been received. When the complete frame is present in the shift register the received
data will be available for the TPI access layer.
There are three possible exceptions in the receive mode: frame error, parity error and break detection. All these
exceptions are signalized to the TPI access layer, which then enters the error state and puts the TPI physical layer
into receive mode, waiting for a BREAK character.
Frame Error Exception. The frame error exception indicates the state of the stop bit. The frame error exception
is set if the stop bit was read as zero.
Parity Error Exception. The parity of the data bits is calculated during the frame reception. After the frame is
received completely, the result is compared with the parity bit of the frame. If the comparison fails the parity
error exception is signalized.
Break Detection Exception. The Break detection exception is given when a complete frame of all zeros has
been received.
Serial Data Transmission
When the TPI physical layer is ready to send a new frame it initiates data transmission by loading the shift register
with the data to be transmitted. When the shift register has been loaded with new data, the transmitter shifts one
complete frame out on the TPIDATA line at the transfer rate given by TPICLK.
If a collision is detected during transmission, the output driver is disabled. The TPI access layer enters the error
state and the TPI physical layer is put into receive mode, waiting for a BREAK character.
Collision Detection Exception
The TPI physical layer uses one bi-directional data line for both data reception and transmission. A possible drive
contention may occur, if the external programmer and the TPI physical layer drive the TPIDATA line simultane-
ously. In order to reduce the effect of the drive contention, a collision detection mechanism is supported. The
collision detection is based on the way the TPI physical layer drives the TPIDATA line.
The TPIDATA line is driven by a tri-state, push-pull driver with internal pull-up. The output driver is always enabled
when a logical zero is sent. When sending successive logical ones, the output is only driven actively during the first
clock cycle. After this, the output driver is automatically tri-stated and the TPIDATA line is kept high by the internal
pull-up. The output is re-enabled, when the next logical zero is sent.