Rev. P1.00
The 872 UARTs are software compatible with the
industry standard 16C550 on power up or reset. Each
UART offers enhancements that are enabled through
its Enhanced Features Registers. These features in-
clude transmit and receive FIFOs of 128 bytes, pro-
grammable transmit and receive FIFO trigger level
from 0 to 128, baud rates with 1x or 4x clock pre-scaler,
automatic RTS flow control level with trigger hyster-
esis, automatic CTS flow control, automatic software
flow control, modem or general I/O interface control,
infrared IrDA encoder/decoder select with a software
option of inverting the decoder input logic level, sleep
mode, device ID and revision. The baud rate generator
input clock on both UARTs is supplied by a 7.3728 MHz
clock. This clock comes from an internal divided by 3
circuit that is fed by the crystal oscillator or external
clock input of 22.1184 MHz. Hence, the maximum
operating data rate is 460.8 Kbps.
Each UART provides 128 bytes of transmit and receive
FIFO memory instead of 16 in the 16C550. The larger
FIFO greatly reduces the bandwidth requirement of the
controlling CPU, increases system performance with-
out increasing the speed of the CPU, and reduces
overall power consumption. The 128 byte FIFOs also
simplify software manipulation of flash memory data
transfer where data page size is 128 bytes. Increased
performance is realized by the larger transmit and
receive FIFOs, FIFO counters, and programmable
FIFO trigger level. This allows the processor to handle
more networking tasks within a given time. For ex-
ample, the 16C550 with 16 byte receive FIFO, will
require 1.39 milliseconds to unload the FIFO (This
example uses a character length of 10 bits, including
start/stop bits at 115.2Kbps, [1/115200]x10x16). This
means the external CPU will have to service the
receive FIFO every 1.39 milliseconds. However with
the 128 byte FIFO in the 872 UART, the data buffer will
not require unloading/loading for 11.12 milliseconds.
This increases the service interval giving the CPU
additional time for other applications and reducing the
overall UART interrupt servicing time. In addition, the
FIFO counters and programmable FIFO trigger level
interrupt is uniquely provided for maximum data
throughput performance especially when operating in a
multi-channel environment.
UART Internal Registers
Each 872 UART has 24 internal registers for monitoring
and control. These resisters are summarized in Table
2 below. Twelve registers are compatible to those
already in the standard 16C550. These registers func-
tion as data holding registers (THR/RHR), interrupt
status and control registers (IER/ISR), a FIFO control
register (FCR), line control register and line status
register, (LCR/LSR), modem control and status regis-
ters (MCR/MSR), programmable baud rate control
registers (DLL/DLM), and an user defined scratch pad
register (SPR). Beyond the basic 16C550 features and
capabilities, the 872 UART offers enhanced feature
register set called TRG, FCTR, EFR, Xon1/2, Xoff1/2,
functions are fully described in the following para-