This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. LEDPE is cleared to 0
by H_RESET and is unaffected
by S_RESET or by setting the
STOP bit.
Reserved locations. Written and
read as zeros.
APROMWE Address PROM Write Enable.
The Am79C978 controller con-
tains a shadow RAM on board for
storage of the first 16 bytes load-
ed from the serial EEPROM.
Accesses to Address PROM I/O
Resources will be directed toward
this RAM. When APROMWE is
set to 1, then write access to the
shadow RAM will be enabled.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. APROMWE is cleared
to 0 by H_RESET and is unaffect-
ed by S_RESET or by setting the
STOP bit.
Interrupt Level. This bit allows the
interrupt output signals to be pro-
grammed for level or edge-
sensitive applications.
When INTLEVEL is cleared to 0,
the INTA pin is configured for
level-sensitive applications. In
this mode, an interrupt request is
signaled by a low level driven on
the INTA pin by the Am79C978
controller. When the interrupt is
cleared, the INTA pin is tri-stated
by the Am79C978 controller and
allowed to be pulled to a high lev-
el by an external pullup device.
This mode is intended for sys-
tems which allow the interrupt
signal to be shared by multiple
When INTLEVEL is set to 1, the
INTA pin is configured for edge-
sensitive applications. In this
mode, an interrupt request is sig-
naled by a high level driven on
the INTA pin by the Am79C978
controller. When the interrupt is
cleared, the INTA pin is driven to
a low level by the Am79C978
controller. This mode is intended
for systems that do not allow in-
terrupt channels to be shared by
multiple devices.
INTLEVEL should not be set to 1
when the Am79C978 controller is
used in a PCI bus application.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. INTLEVEL is cleared to
0 by H_RESET and is unaffected
by S_RESET or by setting the
STOP bit.
Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
Reserved locations. Written and
read as zeros.
BCR4: LED0 Status
BCR4 controls the function(s) that the LED0 pin dis-
plays. Multiple functions can be simultaneously en-
abled on this LED pin. The LED display will indicate the
logical OR of the enabled functions. BCR4 defaults to
Link Status (LNKST) with pulse stretcher enabled
(PSE = 1) and is fully programmable.
When LEDPE (BCR2, bit 12) is set to 1, pro-
gramming of the LED0 Status register is enabled.
When LEDPE is cleared to 0, programming of the
LED0 register is disabled. Writes to those registers will
be ignored.
Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
31-16 RES
Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
This bit indicates the current
(non-stretched) value of the LED
output pin. A value of 1 in this bit
indicates that the OR of the en-
abled signals is true.
The logical value of the LEDOUT
status signal is determined by the
settings of the individual Status
Enable bits of the LED register
(bits 8 and 6-0).
This bit is read accessible al-
ways. This bit is read only; writes
have no effect. LEDOUT is unaf-
fected by H_RESET, S_RESET,
or STOP.
LED Polarity. When this bit has
the value 0, then the LED pin will