Device Selection. Each SPI device has its own chip-select line. To select the DS3105, pull its
CS pin low.
Control Word. After
CS is pulled low, the bus master transmits the control word during the first 16 SCLK cycles. In
MSB-first mode the control word has the form:
W A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7
A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 BURST
where A[13:0] is the register address, R/
W is the data direction bit (1 = read, 0 = write), and BURST is the burst bit
(1 = burst access, 0 = single-byte access). In LSB-first mode the order of the 14 address bits is reversed. In the
discussion that follows, a control word with R/
W = 1 is a read control word, while a control word with R/W = 0 is a
write control word.
CS goes low, the bus master transmits a write control word with
BURST = 0, followed by the data byte to be written. The bus master then terminates the transaction by pulling
CS goes low, the bus master transmits a read control word with
BURST = 0. The DS3105 then responds with the requested data byte. The bus master then terminates the
transaction by pulling
CS high.
CS goes low, the bus master transmits a write control word with BURST = 1
followed by the first data byte to be written. The DS3105 receives the first data byte on SDI, writes it to the
specified register, increments its internal address register, and prepares to receive the next data byte. If the master
continues to transmit, the DS3105 continues to write the data received and increment its address counter. After the
address counter reaches 3FFFh it rolls over to address 0000h and continues to increment.
CS goes low, the bus master transmits a read control word with BURST = 1.
The DS3105 then responds with the requested data byte on SDO, increments its address counter, and prefetches
the next data byte. If the bus master continues to demand data, the DS3105 continues to provide the data on SDO,
increment its address counter, and prefetch the following byte. After the address counter reaches 3FFFh, it rolls
over to address 0000h and continues to increment.
Early Termination of Bus Transactions. The bus master can terminate SPI bus transactions at any time by
CS high. In response to early terminations, the DS3105 resets its SPI interface logic and waits for the start
of the next transaction. If a write transaction is terminated prior to the SCLK edge that latches the LSB of a data
byte, the data byte is not written.
Design Option: Wiring SDI and SDO Together. Because communication between the bus master and the
DS3105 is half-duplex, the SDI and SDO pins can be wired together externally to reduce wire count. To support
this option, the bus master must not drive the SDI/SDO line when the DS3105 is transmitting.