NACK used in Slave Read mode:
0 = Each data byte has been correctly received by the Master.
1 = In read mode, a data byte has not been acknowledged by the Master. When NACK is set the programmer must not fill
TWI_THR even if TXRDY is set, because it means that the Master will stop the data transfer or re initiate it.
Note that in Slave Write mode all data are acknowledged by the TWI.
ARBLST: Arbitration Lost (clear on read)
This bit is only used in Master mode.
0: Arbitration won.
1: Arbitration lost. Another master of the TWI bus has won the multi-master arbitration. TXCOMP is set at the same time.
SCLWS: Clock Wait State (automatically set / reset)
This bit is only used in Slave mode.
0 = The clock is not stretched.
1 = The clock is stretched. TWI_THR / TWI_RHR buffer is not filled / emptied before the emission / reception of a new
EOSACC: End Of Slave Access (clear on read)
This bit is only used in Slave mode.
0 = A slave access is being performing.
1 = The Slave Access is finished. End Of Slave Access is automatically set as soon as SVACC is reset.
ENDRX: End of RX buffer
This bit is only used in Master mode.
0 = The Receive Counter Register has not reached 0 since the last write in TWI_RCR or TWI_RNCR.
1 = The Receive Counter Register has reached 0 since the last write in TWI_RCR or TWI_RNCR.
ENDTX: End of TX buffer
This bit is only used in Master mode.
0 = The Transmit Counter Register has not reached 0 since the last write in TWI_TCR or TWI_TNCR.
1 = The Transmit Counter Register has reached 0 since the last write in TWI_TCR or TWI_TNCR.
RXBUFF: RX Buffer Full
This bit is only used in Master mode.
0 = TWI_RCR or TWI_RNCR have a value other than 0.
1 = Both TWI_RCR and TWI_RNCR have a value of 0.