I/O Mode, Common Memory Mode, Attribute Memory Mode and True IDE Mode
Within the NCS4 and/or NCS5 address space, the current transfer address is used to distinguish
I/O mode, common memory mode, attribute memory mode and True IDE mode.
The different modes are accessed through a specific memory mapping as illustrated on
Figure20-3. A[23:21] bits of the transfer address are used to select the desired mode as described in
Figure 20-3. CompactFlash Memory Mapping
The A22 pin is used to drive the REG signal of the CompactFlash Device (except in True IDE
CFCE1 and CFCE2 Signals
To cover all types of access, the SMC must be alternatively set to drive 8-bit data bus or 16-bit
data bus. The odd byte access on the D[7:0] bus is only possible when the SMC is configured to
drive 8-bit memory devices on the corresponding NCS pin (NCS4 or NCS5). The Chip Select
Register (DBW field in the corresponding Chip Select Register) of the NCS4 and/or NCS5
address space must be set as shown in
Table 20-6 to enable the required access type.
NBS1 and NBS0 are the byte selection signals from SMC and are available when the SMC is set
in Byte Select mode on the corresponding Chip Select.
Table 20-5.
CompactFlash Mode Selection
Mode Base Address
Attribute Memory
Common Memory
I/O Mode
True IDE Mode
Alternate True IDE Mode
CF Address Space
Attribute Memory Mode Space
Common Memory Mode Space
I/O Mode Space
True IDE Mode Space
True IDE Alternate Mode Space
Offset 0x00E0 0000
Offset 0x00C0 0000
Offset 0x0080 0000
Offset 0x0040 0000
Offset 0x0000 0000