PEB 2245
Semiconductor Group
Application Hints
Connection and disconnection of individual participants from a conference:
Subscribers can be connected and disconnected “on the fly” from a conference. A subscriber is
disconnected from a conference by writing an invalid conference number (e.g. 15 h) to the CCM,
by disabling the conference mode in the CM (D10 = 0), and by disabling the output driver in the
CM (D9 = 1).
Same subscriber participates in several different conferences at the same time:
Input channels can also be used in several conferences at the same time. In this case several
CCM entries with different conference control addresses and different conference numbers must
point to the same input line and time-slot number.
Same subscriber participates several times within the same conference:
An input channel can also be used several times within the same conference. In this case several
CCM entries with different conference control addresses must point to the same conference
number and to the same input line and time-slot number. This function may serve for example to
amplify the contribution of particular input channels within a conference.
Tone insertion:
A tone to be inserted into a conference can be programmed as an additional conference
subscriber, but without assigning an output channel. For that purpose the CCM pointing to the
desired conference number and to the input line and time-slot which contains the tone is written
to, but no output channel is programmed in the CM.
Switching of several input channels to one output channel:
The conference function of the MUSAC can also be used to monitor the voice transmission of
several telephone lines via a loudspeaker or for recording on tape. In this case several input
channels must be “conference switched” to a single output channel. This output channel must
contain the information of
input channels, i.e. a substraction of the input channel having the
same conference control address (cca) as the output channel is not desired. For that purpose the
following procedure can be adopted:
For each input channel (e.g. in1 – in10) a CCM programming to individual conference control
addresses is made (e.g. cca1 – cca10). All of these CCM entries must point to a unique
conference number. One of the input channels, e.g. in1, is connected twice to that particular
conference, i.e. a second CCM programming to another conference address (e.g. cca11) is
made. For the desired output channel the CM is programmed to point to one of the two
conference control addresses which have been used for input channel in1 (e.g. either cca1 or
Inserting attenuation or noise suppression into a channel without conferencing:
If an input channel shall be processed (e.g. attenuated) without being involved in a conference,
the conference number 1F
can be used. Up to 64 input channels can then be individually
processed by the internal DSP and switched to individual output channels. Each channel is
assigned to a dedicated conference control address (0 – 63) but pointing to the unique
conference number 31 (1F
). The processing parameters (level of attenuation, noise
suppression threshold, etc.) are programmed in the CCM whereas the output channel is
programmed in the CM.