Applications Information
10.3.6 Transfer Blocks
The master M-bus controls of the number of data bytes within each transmit/receive block.
during the master transmit and master receive blocks respectively.
When the master is transmitting data (master transmit block) the slave acknowledges all
bytes received, and the master decides when the transfer is completed by setting a STOP
condition (see
Figure 10-4). When the master is receiving data (master receive block) it
decides when the transfer is complete by stopping acknowledges on the last received byte,
thereby stopping the slave transmitting, and setting a STOP condition (see
Figure 10-6).10.3.7 Software Implementation
of enabling the M-bus and interrupts at the start of the software listings is specific to the
MC68307. Thereafter, the code is generic for any MC68300 device with an M-bus module.
The MC68300 M-bus slave software should always be set running before the master soft-
ware, such that the prospective slave is initialized as a receiver before the master transmits
the slave address.
The software uses interrupts to control the byte transfers within each block. The M-bus mas-
ter starts the transfer by transmitting the slave address. Thereafter interrupts are generated
on both the master and slave M-bus to control the test. The M-bus hardware protocol does
not care which order the interrupts are serviced by the master (transmitter or receiver) or
slave (transmitter or receiver) at the end of each byte. Consider that the master is in charge
of generating the SCL clocks to shift data out the transmitter and into the receiver, when a
transmit/receive is initiated by writing/reading the M-bus data register respectively. How-
ever, the clocks do not start until the slave has released the clock line on the bus by making
its corresponding read/write of its M-bus data register. Therefore, both MC68300 M-bus
master and slave interrupts have to initiate the next data transfer.
The slave frequency can be programmed as greater or less than that of the master. M-bus
implements a clock synchronization mechanism such that the clock with the shortest high
time and longest low time dictates the open drain clock. For example, if the programmed
slave M-bus clock frequency is less than the master, the slave can stretch the clock as nec-
The number of transfer and receive blocks and the number of data bytes within each block
can be altered in the master software. The slave software remains the same throughout. If
the user desires detailed crosschecks on the software flow, interrupt counts (for number of
bytes transferred) or a flag passing mechanisms could be implemented. For simplicity this
is not used in the example software.