2001 Microchip Technology Inc.
Advance Information
DS70025D-page 11
Microchip is offering a comprehensive package of
development tools and libraries to support the dsPIC
architecture. In addition, the company is partnering
with many third party tools manufacturers for additional
dsPIC support. The Microchip tools will include:
6.00 Integrated Development Environ-
ment (IDE)
dsPIC Language Suite including MPLAB C30 C
Compiler, Assembler, Linker and Librarian
MPLAB SIM Software Simulator
MPLAB ICE 4000 In-Circuit Emulator
MPLAB ICD 2 In-Circuit Debugger
II Universal Device Programmer
Plus Development Programmer
MPLAB V6.00 Integrated
Development Environment
The MPLAB Integrated Development Environment is
available at no cost. The IDE gives users the flexibility
to edit, compile and emulate all from a single user inter-
face. Engineers can design and develop code for the
dsPIC in the same design environment that they have
used for PICmicro microcontrollers.
The MPLAB IDE is a 32-bit Windows
based applica-
tion. It provides many advanced features for the critical
engineer in a modern, easy to use interface. MPLAB
Full featured, color coded text editor
Easy to use project manager with visual display
Source level debugging
Enhanced source level debugging for
(Structures, automatic variables, and so on)
Customizable toolbar and key mapping
Dynamic status bar displays processor condition
at a glance
Context sensitive, interactive on-line help
Integrated MPLAB SIM instruction simulator
User interface for PRO MATE II and PICSTART
Plus device programmers (sold separately)
User interface for MPLAB ICE 4000 In-Circuit
Emulator (sold separately)
User interface for MPLAB ICD 2 In-Circuit Debug-
The MPLAB IDE allows the engineer to:
Edit your source files in either assembly or
One-touch compile and download to dsPIC pro-
gram memory on emulator or simulator. Updates
all project information.
Debug using:
- Source files
- Machine code
- Mixed-mode source and machine code
The ability to use the MPLAB IDE with multiple devel-
opment and debugging targets allows users to easily
switch from the cost-effective simulator to a full-fea-
tured emulator with minimal retraining.
dsPIC Language Suite
The Microchip Technology MPLAB C30 C compiler is a
fully ANSI compliant product with standard libraries for
the dsPIC architecture. It is highly optimizing and takes
advantage of many dsPIC architecture specific fea-
tures to provide efficient software code generation.
MPLAB C30 also provides extensions that allow for
excellent support of the hardware such as interrupts
and peripherals. It is fully integrated with the MPLAB
IDE for high level, source debugging.
16-bit native data types
Efficient use of register-based, 3-operand instruc-
Complex addressing modes
Efficient multi-bit shift operations
Efficient signed/unsigned comparisons
MPLAB C30 comes complete with its own in assem-
bler, linker and librarian. These allow the user to write
mixed-mode C and assembly programs and link the
resulting object files into a single executable file. The
compiler is sold separately. The assembler, linker and
librarian are available for free with MPLAB.