PSD813F Famly
(cont.) Power Down Instruction and Power Up Condition EEPROM Power Down Instruction (PSD813F1 only)
The EEPROM can enter power down mode with the help of the EEPROM power down
instruction (see Table 9). Once the EEPROM power down instruction is decoded, the
EEPROM memory cannot be accessed unless a Return instruction (also in Table 9) is
decoded. Alternately, this power down mode will automatically occur when the APD circuit
is triggered (see section 9.5.1). Therefore, this instruction is not required if the APD circuit is
used. Power-Up Condition
The PSD813F internal logic is reset upon power-up to the read array mode. Any write
operation to the EEPROM is inhibited during the first 5 msec following power-up. The FSi
and EESi/CSBOOTi select signals, along with the write strobe signal, must be in the false
state during power-up for maximum security of the data contents and to remove the
possibility of a byte being written on the first edge of a write strobe signal. Any write cycle
initiation is locked when V
is below VLKO. Read
Under typical conditions, the microcontroller may read the Flash, EEPROM, or Flash Boot
memories using read operations just as it would a ROM or RAM device. Alternately, the
microcontoller may use read operations to obtain status information about a program or
erase operation in progress. Lastly, the microcontroller may use instructions to read special
data from these memories. The following sections describe these read functions. Read the Contents of Memory
Main Flash and Flash Boot memories are placed in the read array mode after power-up,
chip reset, or a Reset Flash instruction (see Table 9). The microcontroller can read the
memory contents of main Flash, optional EEPROM, or optional Flash Boot by using read
operations any time the read operation is not part of an instruction sequence. Read the Main Flash Memory Identifier
The main Flash memory identifier is read with an instruction composed of 4 operations:
3 specific write operations and a read operation (see Table 9). During the read operation,
address bits A6, A1, and A0 must be 0,0,1, respectively, and the appropriate sector select
signal (FSi) must be active. See section for information on how to use the Flash
Memory Identifier. Read the Main Flash Memory Sector Protection Status
The main Flash memory sector protection status is read with an instruction composed of 4
operations: 3 specific write operations and a read operation (see Table 9). During the read
operation, address bits A6, A1, and A0 must be 0,1,0, respectively, while the chip select FSi
designates the Flash sector whose protection has to be verified. The read operation will
produce 01h if the Flash sector is protected, or 00h if the sector is not protected.
The sector protection status for all NVM blocks (main Flash, EEPROM, or Boot Flash) can
be read by the microcontroller accessing the Flash Protection and PSD/EE Protection
registers in PSD I/O space. See section for register definitions.