86 Microprocessor
STn (bits 30–29):
Read Only, available only in Write-
back mode when Ext=1 in TR5. STn returns the sta-
tus of the set (ST3, ST2, ST1, or ST0) specified by
the TR5 Set State field (bits 18–17) during cache
look-ups. Returned values are:
— 00 = invalid
— 01 = exclusive
— 10 = modified
— 11 = shared
ST3 (bits 27–26):
Read Only, available only in Write-
back mode when Ext=1 in TR5. ST3 returns the sta-
tus of Set 3 during cache look-ups. Returned values
— 00 = invalid
— 01 = exclusive
— 10 = modified
— 11 = shared
ST2 (bits 25–24):
Read Only, available only in Write-
back mode when Ext=1 in TR5. ST2 returns the sta-
tus of Set 2 during cache look-ups. Returned values
— 00 = invalid
— 01 = exclusive
— 10 = modified
— 11 = shared
ST1 (bits 23–22):
Read Only, available only in Write-
back mode when Ext=1 in TR5. ST1 returns the sta-
tus of Set 1 during cache look-ups. Returned values
— 00 = invalid
— 01 = exclusive
— 10 = modified
— 11 = shared
ST0 (bits 21–20):
Read Only, available only in Write-
back mode when Ext=1 in TR5. ST0 returns the sta-
tus of Set 0 during cache look-ups. Returned values
— 00 = invalid
— 01 = exclusive
— 10 = modified
— 11 = shared
Valid (bit 10):
Read/Write, independent of the Ext bit
in TR5. This is the Valid bit for the accessed entry.
On a cache look-up, Valid is a copy of one of the bits
reported in bits 6–3. On a cache write in Write-
through mode, Valid becomes the new Valid bit for
the selected entry and set. In Write-back mode, writ-
ing to the Valid bit has no effect and is ignored; the
Set State bit locations in TR5 are used to set the
Valid bit for the selected entry and set.
LRU (bits 9–7):
Read Only, independent of the Ext
bit in TR5. On a cache look-up, these are the three
LRU bits of the accessed set. On a cache write,
these bits are ignored; the LRU bits in the cache are
updated by the pseudo-LRU cache replacement al-
gorithm. Write operations to these locations have
no effect on the device.
Valid (bits 6–3):
Read Only, independent of the Ext
bit in TR5. On a cache look-up, these are the four
Valid bits of the accessed set. In Write-back mode,
these valid bits are set if a cache set is in the exclu-
sive, modified, or shared state. Write operations to
these locations have no effect on the device.
This section includes a detailed description of the bit
fields in the TR5.
TR5 Definition
Bits listed in Table 18 as Reserved or Not Used
are not included in the descriptions.
Ext (bit 19):
Read/Write, available only in Write-back
mode. Ext, or extension, determines which bit fields
are defined for TR4: the address TAG field, or the
STn and ST3–ST0 status bit fields. In Write-through
mode, the Ext bit is not accessible. The following
describes the two states of Ext:
— Ext = 0, bits 31–11 of TR4 contain the TAG ad-
— Ext = 1, bits 30–29 of TR4 contain STn, bits 27–
20 contain ST3–ST0
Set State (bits 18–17):
Read/Write, available only in
Write-back mode. The Set State field is used to
change the MESI state of the set specified by the
Index and Entry bits. The state is set by writing one
of the following combinations to this field:
— 00 = invalid
— 01 = exclusive
— 10 = modified
— 11 = shared
Index (bits 11–4):
Read/Write, independent of write-
through or Write-back mode. Index selects one of
the 256 cache lines.
Entry (bits 3–2):
Read/Write, independent of write-
through or Write-back mode. Entry selects between
one of the four entries in the set addressed by the
Set Select during a cache read or write. During
cache fill buffer writes or cache read buffer reads,
the value in the Entry field selects one of the four
doublewords in a cache line.