Table 2.8. Register Values after Reset
Flag Word (EFLAGS)
Machine Status Word (CR0)
Instruction Pointer (EIP)
Code Segment (CS)
Data Segment (DS)
Stack Segment (SS)
Extra Segment (ES)
Extra Segment (FS)
Extra Segment (GS)
EAX register
EDX register
All other registers
Note 1
Note 2
Note 3
Note 3
Note 4
Note 5
Note 6
component and stepping ID
1. EFLAG Register. The upper 14 bits of the EFLAGS register are undefined, all defined flag bits are zero.
2. The Code Segment Register (CS) will have its Base Address set to 0FFFF0000H and Limit set to 0FFFFH.
3. The Data and Extra Segment Registers (DS, ES) will have their Base Address set to 000000000H and Limit set to
4. If self-test is selected, the EAX register should contain a 0 value. If a value of 0 is not found then the self-test has
detected a flaw in the part.
5. EDX register always holds component and stepping identifier.
6. All undefined bits are Intel Reserved and should not be used.
A Double Fault (exception 8) results when the proc-
essor attempts to invoke an exception service rou-
tine for the segment exceptions (10, 11, 12 or 13),
but in the process of doing so detects an exception
other than
a Page Fault (exception 14).
One other cause of generating a Double Fault is the
Intel386 SX Microprocessor detecting any other ex-
ception when it is attempting to invoke the Page
Fault (exception 14) service routine (for example, if a
Page Fault is detected when the Intel386 SX Micro-
processor attempts to invoke the Page Fault service
routine). Of course, in any functional system, not
only in Intel386 SX Microprocessor-based systems,
the entire page fault service routine must remain
‘present‘ in memory.
2.8 Reset and Initialization
When the processor is initialized or Reset the regis-
ters have the values shown in Table 2.8. The In-
tel386 SX Microprocessor will then start executing
instructions near the top of physical memory, at lo-
cation 0FFFFF0H. When the first Intersegment
Jump or Call is executed, address lines A
drop LOW for CS-relative memory cycles, and the
Intel386 SX Microprocessor will only execute in-
structions in the lower one megabyte of physical
memory. This allows the system designer to use a
shadow ROM at the top of physical memory to ini-
tialize the system and take care of Resets.
RESET forces the Intel386 SX Microprocessor to
terminate all execution and local bus activity. No in-
struction execution or bus activity will occur as long
as Reset is active. Between 350 and 450 CLK2 peri-
ods after Reset becomes inactive, the Intel386 SX
Microprocessor will start executing instructions at
the top of physical memory.
2.9 Testability
The Intel386 SX Microprocessor, like the Intel386
Microprocessor, offers testability features which in-
clude a self-test and direct access to the page trans-
lation cache.
The Intel386 SX Microprocessor has the capability
to perform a self-test. The self-test checks the func-
tion of all of the Control ROM and most of the non-
random logic of the part. Approximately one-half of
the Intel386 SX Microprocessor can be tested during
Self-Test is initiated on the Intel386 SX Microproces-
sor when the RESET pin transitions from HIGH to
LOW, and the BUSY
pin is LOW. The self-test
takes about 2
clocks, or approximately 33 millisec-
onds with a 16 MHz Intel386 SX CPU. At the com-
pletion of self-test the processor performs reset and
begins normal operation. The part has successfully
passed self-test if the contents of the EAX are zero.
If the results of the EAX are not zero then the self-
test has detected a flaw in the part.