The Intel386 SX Microprocessor also provides a
mechanism for testing the Translation Lookaside
Buffer (TLB) if desired. This particular mechanism
may not be continued in the same way in future
There are two TLB testing operations: 1) writing en-
tries into the TLB, and, 2) performing TLB lookups.
Two Test Registers, shown in Figure 2.6, are provid-
ed for the purpose of testing. TR6 is the ‘‘test com-
mand register’’, and TR7 is the ‘‘test data register’’.
For a more detailed explanation of testing the TLB,
see the Intel386
SX Microprocessor Program-
mer’s Reference Manual.
2.10 Debugging Support
The Intel386 SX Microprocessor provides several
features which simplify the debugging process. The
three categories of on-chip debugging aids are:
1. The code execution breakpoint opcode (0CCH).
2. The single-step capability provided by the TF bit
in the flag register.
3. The code and data breakpoint capability provided
by the Debug Registers DR0–3, DR6, and DR7.
A single-byte software interrupt (Int 3) breakpoint in-
struction is available for use by software debuggers.
The breakpoint opcode is 0CCh, and generates an
exception 3 trap when executed.
If the single-step flag (TF, bit 8) in the EFLAG regis-
ter is found to be set at the end of an instruction, a
single-step exception occurs. The single-step ex-
ception is auto vectored to exception number 1.
The Debug Registers are an advanced debugging
feature of the Intel386 SX Microprocessor. They al-
low data access breakpoints as well as code execu-
tion breakpoints. Since the breakpoints are indicated
by on-chip registers, an instruction execution break-
point can be placed in ROM code or in code shared
by several tasks, neither of which can be supported
by the INT 3 breakpoint opcode.
The Intel386 SX Microprocessor contains six Debug
Registers, consisting of four breakpoint address reg-
isters and two breakpoint control registers. Initially
after reset, breakpoints are in the disabled state;
therefore, no breakpoints will occur unless the de-
bug registers are programmed. Breakpoints set up in
the Debug Registers are auto-vectored to exception
1. Figure 2.7 shows the breakpoint status and con-
trol registers.
Figure 2.6. Test Registers