Rev. 15 Oct 2000
where SCBR[12:0] is in the range {1, 2, 3, ..., 8191}.
The SCI receiver operates asynchronously. An internal clock is necessary to synchro-
nize with an incoming data stream. The SCI baud rate generator produces a receive
time sampling clock with a frequency 16 times that of the SCI baud rate. The SCI deter-
mines the position of bit boundaries from transitions within the received waveform, and
adjusts sampling points to the proper positions within the bit period. Parity Checking
The PT bit in SCCR1 selects either even (PT = 0) or odd (PT = 1) parity. PT affects
received and transmitted data. The PE bit in SCCR1 determines whether parity check-
ing is enabled (PE = 1) or disabled (PE = 0). When PE is set, the MSB of data in a
frame is used for the parity function. For transmitted data, a parity bit is generated for
received data; the parity bit is checked. When parity checking is enabled, the PF bit in
the SCI status register (SCSR) is set if a parity error is detected.
Enabling parity affects the number of data bits in a frame, which can in turn affect
frame size. shows possible data and parity formats. Transmitter Operation
The transmitter consists of a serial shifter and a parallel data register (TDR) located in
the SCI data register (SCDR). The serial shifter cannot be directly accessed by the
CPU32. The transmitter is double-buffered, which means that data can be loaded into
the TDR while other data is shifted out. The TE bit in SCCR1 enables (TE = 1) and
disables (TE = 0) the transmitter.
Shifter output is connected to the TXD pin while the transmitter is operating (TE = 1,
or TE = 0 and transmission in progress). Wired-OR operation should be specified
when more than one transmitter is used on the same SCI bus. The WOMS bit in
SCCR1 determines whether TXD is an open-drain (wired-OR) output or a normal
CMOS output. An external pull-up resistor on TXD is necessary for wired-OR opera-
tion. WOMS controls TXD function whether the pin is used by the SCI or as a general-
purpose I/O pin.
Data to be transmitted is written to SCDR, then transferred to the serial shifter. The
transmit data register empty (TDRE) flag in SCSR shows the status of TDR. When
TDRE = 0, the TDR contains data that has not been transferred to the shifter. Writing
Effect of Parity Checking on Data Size
8 data bits
7 data bits, 1 parity bit
9 data bits
8 data bits, 1 parity bit
System Clock
SCI Baud Rate Desired