STM32W108CB, STM32W108HB
System modules
Doc ID 16252 Rev 3
The STM32W108 resets are generated from a number of sources. Each of these reset
sources feeds into central reset detection logic that causes various parts of the system to be
reset depending on the state of the system and the nature of the reset event.
Reset sources
Watchdog reset
The STM32W108 contains a watchdog timer (see also the Watchdog Timer section) that is
clocked by the internal 1 kHz timing reference. When the timer expires it generates the reset
source WATCHDOG_RESET to the Reset Generation module.
Software reset
The ARM Cortex-M3 CPU can initiate a reset under software control. This is indicated with
the reset source SYSRESETREQ to the Reset Generation module.
Option byte error
The flash memory controller contains a state machine that reads configuration information
from the information blocks in the Flash at system start time. An error check is performed on
the option bytes that are read from Flash and, if the check fails, an error is signaled that
provides the reset source OPT_BYTE_ERROR to the Reset Generation module.
If an option byte error is detected, the system restarts and the read and check process is
repeated. If the error is detected again the process is repeated but stops on the 3rd failure.
The system is then placed into an emulated deep sleep where recovery is possible. In this
state, Flash memory readout protection is forced active to prevent secure applications from
being compromised.
Debug reset
The Serial Wire/JTAG Interface (SWJ) provides access to the SWJ Debug Port (SWJ-DP)
registers. By setting the register bit CDBGRSTREQ in the SWJ-DP, the reset source
CDBGRSTREQ is provided to the Reset Generation module.
One of the STM32W108's pins can function as the JTAG reset, conforming to the
requirements of the JTAG standard. This input acts independently of all other reset sources
and, when asserted, does not reset any on-chip hardware except for the JTAG TAP. If the
STM32W108 is in the Serial Wire mode or if the SWJ is disabled, this input has no effect.
Deep sleep reset
The Power Management module informs the Reset Generation module of entry into and exit
from the deep sleep states. The deep sleep reset is applied in the following states: before
entry into deep sleep, while removing power from the memory and core domain, while in
deep sleep, while waking from deep sleep, and while reapplying power until reliable power
levels have been detect by POR LV.