STM32W108CB, STM32W108HB
Doc ID 16252 Rev 3
The NVIC also contains a software-configurable interrupt prioritization mechanism. The
Reset, NMI, and Hard Fault exceptions, in that order, are always the highest priority, and are
not software-configurable. All other exceptions can be assigned a 5-bit priority number, with
low values representing higher priority. If any exceptions have the same software-
configurable priority, then the NVIC uses the hardware-defined priority. The hardware-
defined priority number is the same as the position of the exception in the exception table.
For example, if IRQA and IRQB both fire at the same time and have the same software-
defined priority, the NVIC handles IRQA, with priority number 28, first because it has a
higher hardware priority than IRQB with priority number 29.
The top level interrupts are controlled through five ARM Cortex-M3 NVIC registers:
into any bit in any of these five register is ineffectual.
INT_CFGSET - Writing 1 to a bit in INT_CFGSET enables that top level interrupt.
INT_CFGCLR - Writing 1 to a bit in INT_CFGCLR disables that top level interrupt.
INT_PENDSET - Writing 1 to a bit in INT_PENDSET triggers that top level interrupt.
INT_PENDCLR - Writing 1 to a bit in INT_PENDCLR clear that top level interrupt.
INT_ACTIVE cannot be written to and is used for indicating which interrupts are
currently active.
INT_PENDSET and INT_PENDCLR set and clear a simple latch; INT_CFGSET and
INT_CFGCLR set and clear a mask on the output of the latch. Interrupts may be pended
and cleared at any time, but any pended interrupt will not be taken unless the corresponding
mask (INT_CFGSET) is set, which allows that interrupt to propagate. If an INT_CFGSET bit
is set and the corresponding INT_PENDSET bit is set, then the interrupt will propagate and
be taken. If INT_CFGSET is set after INT_PENDSET is set, then the interrupt will also
propagate and be taken. Interrupt flags (signals) from the top level interrupts are level-
The second-level interrupt registers, which provide control of the second-level Event
For further information on the NVIC and Cortex-M3 exceptions, refer to the ARM Cortex-
M3 Technical Reference Manual and the ARM ARMv7-M Architecture Reference Manual.
Non-maskable interrupt (NMI)
The non-maskable interrupt (NMI) is a special case. Despite being one of the 10 standard
ARM Cortex-M3 NVIC interrupts, it is sourced from the Event Manager like a peripheral
interrupt. The NMI has two second-level sources; failure of the 24 MHz crystal and
watchdog low water mark.
Failure of the 24 MHz crystal: If the STM32W108's main clock, SCLK, is operating from
the 24 MHz crystal and the crystal fails, the STM32W108 detects the failure and
automatically switch to the internal 12 MHz RC clock. When this failure detection and
switch has occurred, the STM32W108 triggers the CLK24M_FAIL second-level
interrupt, which then triggers the NMI.
Watchdog low water mark: If the STM32W108's watchdog is active and the watchdog
counter has not been reset for 1.792 seconds, the watchdog triggers the
WATCHDOG_INT second level interrupt, which then triggers the NMI.