Revision 3.1
Integrated Functions (
The display controller contains hardware cursor logic to
allow overlay of the cursor image onto the pixel data
stream. Overhead for updating this image on the screen is
kept to a minimum by requiring that only the X and Y posi-
tion be changed. This eliminates "submarining" effects
commonly associated with software cursors. The cursor,
32x32 pixels with two bits per pixel, is loaded into off-
screen memory within the graphics memory aperture. The
two-bit code selects color 0, color 1, transparent, or back-
ground-color inversion for each pixel in the cursor (see
Table 4-31 on page 144. The two cursor colors will be
stored as extensions to the normal 256-entry palette at
locations 100h and 101h. These palette extensions will be
used when driving a flat panel or a RAMDAC operating in
16 BPP (bits per pixel) mode. For 8 BPP operation using
an external RAMDAC, the DC_CURSOR_COLOR regis-
ter (GX_BASE+8360h) should be programmed to set the
indices for the cursor colors. To avoid corruption of the
cursor colors by an application program that modifies the
external palette, care should be taken to program the cur-
sor color indices to one of the static color indices. Since
Microsoft Windows typically uses only black and white
cursor colors and these are static colors, this kind of prob-
lem should rarely occur.
Hardware Cursor
The display controller features a fully programmable tim-
ing generator for generating all timing control signals for
the display. The timing control signals include horizontal
and vertical sync and blank signals in addition to timing for
active and overscan regions of the display. The timing
generator is similar in function to the CRTC of the original
VGA, although programming is more straightforward. Pro-
gramming of the timing registers will generally happen via
a BIOS INT10 call during a mode set. When programming
the timing registers directly, extreme care should be taken
to ensure that all timing is compatible with the display
Display Timing Generator
The timing generator supports overscan to maintain full
backward compatibility with the VGA. This feature is sup-
ported primarily for CRT display devices since flat panel
displays have fixed resolutions and do not provide for
overscan. However, the GXm processor supports a mech-
anism to center the display when a display mode is
selected having a lower resolution than the panel resolu-
tion. The border region is effectively stretched to fill the
remainder of the screen. The border color is at palette
extension 104h. For 8 BPP operation with an external
(GX_BASE+8368h) should also be programmed.
The display controller supports 2x2 dither and two-level
frame-rate modulation (FRM) to increase the apparent
number of colors displayed on 9-bit or 12-bit TFT panels.
Dither and FRM are individually programmable. With dith-
ering and FRM enabled, 185,193 colors are possible on a
9-bit TFT panel, and 226,981 colors are possible on a 12-
bit TFT panel.
Dither and Frame-Rate Modulation
The GXm processor supports 640x480, 800x600, and
1024x768 display resolutions at both 8 and 16 bits per
pixel. In addition, 1280x1024 resolution is supported at 8
bits per pixel only. Two 16-bit display formats are sup-
ported: RGB 5-6-5 and RGB 5-5-5. All CRT modes use
VESA-compatible timing. Table 4-26 on page 132 gives
the supported CRT display modes.
Display Modes