82801BA ICH2 Datasheet
Functional Description
Packet Formats
Token Packets
Table 5-72
shows the field formats for a token packet. A token consists of a PID, specifying either
IN, OUT, or SETUP packet type, and ADDR and ENDP fields. For OUT and SETUP transactions,
the address and endpoint fields uniquely identify the endpoint that will receive the subsequent data
packet. For IN transactions, these fields uniquely identify which endpoint should transmit a data
packet. Only the ICH2 can issue token packets. IN PIDs define a data transaction from a function
to the ICH2. OUT and SETUP PIDs define data transactions from the ICH2 to a function.
Token packets have a five-bit CRC that covers the address and endpoint fields as shown above.
The CRC does not cover the PID, which has its own check field. Token and SOF packets are
delimited by an EOP after three bytes of packet field data. If a packet decodes as an otherwise valid
token or SOF but does not terminate with an EOP after three bytes, it must be considered invalid
and ignored by the receiver.
Start of Frame Packets
Table 5-73
shows a start of frame (SOF) packet. SOF packets are issued by the host at a nominal
rate of once every 1.00 ms. SOF packets consist of a PID indicating packet type followed by an 11-
bit frame number field.
The SOF token comprises the token-only transaction that distributes a start of frame marker and
accompanying frame number at precisely timed intervals corresponding to the start of each frame.
All full speed functions, including hubs, must receive and decode the SOF packet. The SOF token
does not cause any receiving function to generate a return packet; therefore, SOF delivery to any
given function cannot be guaranteed. The SOF packet delivers two pieces of timing information. A
function is informed that a start of frame has occurred when it detects the SOF PID. Frame timing
sensitive functions, that do not need to keep track of frame number, need only decode the SOF
PID; they can ignore the frame number and its CRC. If a function needs to track frame number, it
must comprehend both the PID and the time stamp.
Table 5-72. Token Format
8 bits
7 bits
4 bits
5 bits
Table 5-73. SOF Packet
8 bits
Frame Number
11 bits
5 bits
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