Functional Description
82801BA ICH2 Datasheet
LPC Cycle Types
The ICH2 implements all of the cycle types described in the LPC I/F 1.0 specification.
Table 5-4
shows the cycle types supported by the ICH2.
1. For memory cycles below 16 MB which do not target enabled FWH ranges, the ICH2will perform standard
LPC memory cycles. It will only attempt 8-bit transfers. If the cycle appears on PCI as a 16-bit transfer, it will
appear as two consecutive 8-bit transfers on LPC. Likewise, if the cycle appears as a 32-bit transfer on PCI,
it will appear as four consecutive 8-bit transfers on LPC. If the cycle is not claimed by any peripheral, it will be
subsequently aborted, and the ICH2 will return a value of all 1s to the processor. This is done to maintain
compatibility with ISA memory cycles where pull-up resistors would keep the bus high if no device responds.
2. Bus Master Read or Write cycles must be naturally aligned. For example, a 1-byte transfer can be to any
address. However, the 2-byte transfer must be word aligned (i.e. with an address where A0=0). A DWord
transfer must be DWord aligned (i.e., with an address where A1and A0 are both 0)
Start Field Definition
All other encodings are Reserved.
Table 5-4. LPC Cycle Types Supported
Cycle Type
Memory Read
Single: 1 byte only
Memory Write
Single: 1 byte only
I/O Read
1 byte only. ICH2 breaks up 16 and 32-bit processor cycles into multiple 8-bit
transfers. See Note 1 below.
I/O Write
1 byte only. ICH2 breaks up 16 and 32-bit processor cycles into multiple 8-bit
transfers. See Note 1 below.
DMA Read
Can be 1 or 2 bytes
DMA Write
Can be 1 or 2 bytes
Bus Master Read
Can be 1, 2, or 4 bytes. (See Note 2 below)
Bus Master Write
Can be 1, 2, or 4 bytes. (See Note 2 below)
Table 5-5. Start Field Bit Definitions
Start of cycle for a generic target.
Grant for bus master 0.
Grant for bus master 1.
Stop/Abort: End of a cycle for a target.
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