Atmel ATA6285/ATA6286 [Preliminary]
Figure 3-55. SPI Transfer Format with CPHA = 1
Sensor Interface Block
The sensor interface block contains a Motion Sensor Interface Unit (MSIU), a Capacitance Sen-
sor Interface Unit (CSIU), a Voltage Sensor Interface Unit (VSIU), four control registers (SCR,
SCCR, SVCR, TSCR), an 8-bit programmable voltage reference calibration register (MSVCAL),
a Sensor Interrupt Mask Register (SIMSK), a Sensor Status and Flag Register (SSFR) and addi-
tionally an output multiplexer to select one of the two different signals f
C (output signal of CSIU)
and f
V (output signal of VSIU) for the output signal SENO. The output signal (SENO) is selected
by the SEN[1..0] bits in SCR Register. SENO is directed as input for Timer2, see
Figure 3-29 onpage 81. The Capacitor / Voltage Sensor Interface Units in combination with the internal timer
modules Timer2 and Timer3 build an ADC to digitizing the different sensor signals, for example
from an external capacitance pressure sensor or an external capacitance acceleration/motion
sensor. Additionally, internal voltage levels can be measured and also an internal on-chip tem-
perature sensor can be monitored with the ADC. The general functionality of this ADC is
Channel (Pin) S2 can be either configured as motion wake-up with low power consumption or as
a normal capacitive sensor interface. For a motion wake-up application on pin S2 the capacitor
sensor interface must be disabled. If the capacitor sensor interface is enabled the internal cir-
cuitry forces periodically all sensor pins to GND. In that times all sensor pins are forced to GND,
no motion wake-up detection will occur, i.e. motion wake-up will fail.
If a motion/acceleration is detected the output signal of MSU (MSENOS) gets high and the
MSENO bit in the SSFR register is set (one), otherwise MSENOS is low and MSENO bit is
cleared (zero).
Additionally a motion sensor interrupt signal (SENINT) can be enabled if the MSIE bit in the
SIMSK register is set (one). The corresponding Interrupt Vector is executed if MSENF bit in
To ensure accurate results of sensor interface applications specific sleep mode configurations of
the Atmel ATA6289 needs to be done. Best results can be achieved for a motion wake-up appli-
cation if ATA6289 is configured into power-down mode. The performance of the capacitive
sensor interface is optimized if the ATA6289 is configured into sensor-noise reduction mode.
Bit 1
Bit 6
Bit 2
Bit 5
Bit 3
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 5
Bit 2
Bit 6
Bit 1
MSB first (DORD = 0)
LSB first (DORD =1)
SCK (CPOL = 0)
mode 1
SCK (CPOL = 1)
mode 3