Set break point mode to positive target
position based
18 (hex)
current axis
all axes
Axis acted on:
Available on:
Double buffered:
SET_POS_BRK sets the current breakpoint mode to positive target
position based. In this mode the value loaded into the breakpoint
register (SET_BRK_PNT cmd) will represent the axis position in usteps.
After the SET_POS_BRK command is executed, at each cycle the
break point value will be compared against the current axis target
position. If the target position has a value equal to or greater than the
breakpoint register then all double-buffered parameters will be loaded in
to the active registers. After this breakpoint condition has been
satisfied, the breakpoint mode is reset i.e. no additional breakpoints will
occur until a new breakpoint condition is set.
Set break point mode to negative target
position based
19 (hex)
current axis
all axes
Axis acted on:
Available on:
Double buffered:
SET_NEG_BRK sets the current breakpoint mode to negative target
position based. In this mode the value loaded into the breakpoint
register (SET_BRK_PNT cmd) will represent the axis position in usteps
After the SET_NEG_BRK command is executed, at each cycle the
break point value will be compared against the current axis target
position. If the target position has a value equal to or less than the
breakpoint register then all double-buffered parameters will be loaded
into the active registers. After this breakpoint condition has been
satisfied, the breakpoint mode is reset i.e. no additional breakpoints will
occur until a new breakpoint condition is set.
Set break point mode to positive actual
position based
1b (hex)
current axis
all axes
Axis acted on:
Available on:
Double buffered:
SET_ACTL_POS_BRK sets the current breakpoint mode to positive
actual position based. In this mode the value loaded into the breakpoint
register (SET_BRK_PNT cmd) will represent the axis position in usteps.
After the SET_ACTL_POS_BRK command is executed, at each cycle
the break point value will be compared against the current axis actual
position. If the actual position has a value equal to or greater than the
breakpoint register then all double-buffered parameters will be loaded in
to the active registers. After this breakpoint condition has been
satisfied, the breakpoint mode is reset i.e. no additional breakpoints will
occur until a new breakpoint condition is set..
Set break point mode to negative actual
position based
1c (hex)
current axis
all axes
Axis acted on:
Available on:
Double buffered:
SET_ACTL_NEG_BRK sets the current breakpoint mode to negative
actual position based. In this mode the value loaded into the breakpoint
register (SET_BRK_PNT cmd) will represent the axis position in usteps
After the SET_ACTL_NEG_BRK command is executed, at each cycle
the break point value will be compared against the current axis actual
position. If the actual position has a value equal to or less than the
breakpoint register then all double-buffered parameters will be loaded
into the active registers. After this breakpoint condition has been
satisfied, the breakpoint mode is reset i.e. no additional breakpoints will
occur until a new breakpoint condition is set.
SET_MTN_CMPLT_BRK Set break point mode to motion
35 (hex)
Axis acted on:
current axis
Available on:
all axes
Double buffered:
SET_MTN_CMPLT_BRK sets the current breakpoint mode to motion
complete. In this mode the breakpoint condition is satisfied when the
motion complete bit in the axis status word becomes active (axis motion
is complete). This breakpoint mode is useful for immediately starting a
new profile at the end of the current profile. Once the motion complete
bit becomes active all double-buffered parameters will be loaded in to
the active registers. After this breakpoint condition has been satisfied,
the breakpoint mode is reset i.e. no additional breakpoints will occur
until a new breakpoint condition is set.
No 32-bit compare value is required to be loaded when using this
breakpoint mode.
It is the responsibility of the host to ensure that the motion
complete bit is not set when this breakpoint is initiated.
Axis acted on:
Available on:
Double buffered:
Set break point mode to external
5e (hex)
current axis
all axes
SET_EXT_BRK sets the current breakpoint mode to external. In this
mode the breakpoint condition is satisfied when the home signal for the
current axis becomes active (goes low). This breakpoint mode is useful
for executing a profile change based on some external signal condition.
Once the home signal becomes active all double-buffered parameters
will be loaded in to the active registers. After this breakpoint condition