PCI 9080
PLX Technology, Inc., 1997
Page 20
Version 1.02
PCI 9080 never prefetches beyond the region specified
for direct master accesses. IO/CFG Access
When a Local Direct Master I/O access to the PCI bus is
made, the PCI Configuration Address Register’s
Configuration Enable bit determines if an I/O or
configuration access is to be made to the PCI bus.
Local burst accesses are broken into single PCI I/O
address/data cycles. PCI 9080 does not prefetch read
data for I/O and CFG reads.
For Direct Master I/O or Configuration cycles, PCI 9080
asserts the same PCI bus byte enables as asserted on
the local bus. I/O
If the Configuration Enable bit is clear, a single I/O
access is made to the PCI bus. The local address,
remapped decode address bits and the local byte
enables are encoded to provide the address and is
output with an I/O read or write command during the PCI
address cycle.
For writes, data is loaded into the write FIFO and
READYo# returned to the Local bus. For reads, PCI
9080 holds off READYo# while gathering an Lword from
the PCI bus.
When the I/O remap select bit is set to a value of 1,
these PCI address bits [31:16] are forced to a value of 0
(refer to Table 4-43[13]). CFG (PCI Configuration Type 0 or
Type 1 Cycles)
If the Configuration Enable bit is set, a CFG access is
made to the PCI bus. In addition to enabling the
configuration (bit 31) of (PCI:2Ch)(LOC:ACh) (refer to
Table 4-44[31]), the user must provide all register
information. The register number (bits [7:2]) or the
device number (bits [15:11]) must be modified and a new
CFT read/write cycle must be performed before other
registers or devices can be accessed.
If the PCI Configuration Address Register selects a Type
0 command, bits [10:0] from the register are copied to
address bits [10:0]. Bits [15:11] (“device number”) are
translated into a single bit being set in PCI address bits
[31:11]. PCI address bits [31:11] can be used as a
device select. For a Type 1 command, bits [23:0] are
copied from the register to bits [23:0] of the PCI address.
PCI address bits [31:24] are 0. A configuration read or
write command code is output with the address during
the PCI address cycle (refer to Table 4-44).
For writes, local data is loaded into the write FIFO and
READYo# is returned. For reads, PCI 9080 holds off
READYo# while gathering an Lword from the PCI bus.
Example 1
—To perform a Type 0 configuration cycle to
PCI device on AD[21].
PCI 9080 must be configured to allow Direct Master
access to the PCI buses. PCI 9080 must also be set
to respond to I/O space accesses. These bits must
be set in (LOC:04h):
Field 0 = I/O Space = 1
Field 2 = Master Enable = 1
Direct Master Range is selected by the board
designer. For this example, use a range of 1 MB:
1 MB = 2
= 000FFFFFh
Value to program into the range register is the
inverse of 000FFFFFh, which is FFF00000h:
(LOC:9Ch) = FFF00000h
Local Base Address for Direct Master to PCI IO/CFG
is determined by the board designer. For this
example, use 40000000h:
(LOC:A4h) = 40000000h
PCI Address (Remap) for Direct Master to PCI
Memory Register must enable Direct Master I/O
access. This bit must be set in (LOC:A8h):
Field 1 = Direct Master I/O Access Enable = 1
PCI must know which PCI device and PCI
configuration register the PCI configuration cycle is
accessing. For this example, access the PCI device
on AD[21]. Also access the PCI Base Address 0 for
Memory Mapped Configuration Register (PCI:10h).
(PCI:10h) is the fourth register, counting from 0 (use
Table 4-5, “PCI Configuration Registers,” for
reference). These bits must be set in (LOC:ACh):
Fields 1:0 = Configuration Type 0 = 00b
Fields 7:2 = Register number = The fourth
register, and therefore must program a 4 into
this field, beginning with bit 2 = 000100b
Fields 10:8 = Function Number = 000b
Fields 15:11 = Device Number = n-11, where
n is the value in AD[n]=21-11 = 10 = 01010b
Fields 23:16 = Bus Number = 00000000b
Field 31 = Configuration Enable = 1