Revision 1.1
Core Logic Module
ISA Clock Divisor.
Determines the divisor of the PCI clock used to make the ISA clock, which is typically programmed for
approximately 8 MHz:
000: Divide by 1
100: Divide by 5
001: Divide by 2
101: Divide by 6
010: Divide by 3
110: Divide by 7
011: Divide by 4
111: Divide by 8
If PCI clock = 25 MHz, use setting of 010 (divide by 3).
If PCI clock = 30 or 33 MHz, use a setting of 011 (divide by 4).
Index 51h
ISA I/O Recovery Control Register (R/W)
Reset Value: 40h
8-Bit I/O Recovery.
These bits determine the number of ISA bus clocks between back-to-back 8-bit I/O read cycles. This
count is in addition to a preset one-clock delay built into the controller.
0000: 1 PCI clock
0001: 2 PCI clocks
1111: 16 PCI clocks
16-Bit I/O Recovery.
These bits determine the number of ISA bus clocks between back-to-back 16-bit I/O cycles. This
count is in addition to a preset one-clock delay built into the controller.
0000: 1 PCI clock
0001: 2 PCI clocks
1111: 16 PCI clocks
Index 52h
ROM/AT Logic Control Register (R/W)
Reset Value: 98h
Snoop Fast Keyboard Gate A20 and Fast Reset.
Enables the snoop logic associated with keyboard commands for A20
Mask and Reset.
0: Disable snooping. The keyboard controller handles the commands.
1: Enable snooping.
Enable A20M# Deassertion on Warm Reset.
Force A20M# high during a Warm Reset (guarantees that A20M# is deas-
serted regardless of the state of A20).
0: Disable.
1: Enable.
Enable Port 092h (Port A).
Port 092h decode and the logical functions.
0: Disable.
1: Enable.
Upper ROM Size.
Selects upper ROM addressing size.
0: 256K (FFFC0000h-FFFFFFFFh).
1: Use ROM Mask register (F0 Index 6Eh).
ROMCS# goes active for the above ranges whether strapped for ISA or LPC. (Refer to F0BAR1+I/O Offset 10h[15] for fur-
ther strapping/programming details.)
The selected range can then be either positively or subtractively decoded through F0 Index 5Bh[5].
ROM Write Enable
. When asserted, enables writes to ROM space, allowing Flash programming.
If strapped for ISA and this bit is set to 1, writes to the configured ROM space asserts ROMCS#, enabling the write cycle to
the Flash device on the ISA bus. Otherwise, ROMCS# is inhibited for writes.
If strapped for LPC and this bit is set to 1, the cycle runs on the LPC bus. Otherwise, the LPC bus cycle is inhibited for
Refer to F0BAR1+I/O Offset 10h[15] for further strapping/programming details.
Table 5-29. F0: PCI Header and Bridge Configuration Registers for GPIO and LPC Support (Continued)