Color Space Conversion Control (Sub-Addresses 0x04–0x19)
Numerical formats:
Signed magnitude: MSB is sign bit, remaining bits are binary representation of magnitude. This is not a 2s
complement notation.
Magnitude: binary representation of magnitude
R/Cr input channel – G/Y output channel coefficient, integer part
{csc_r11 0x04(7:2)}
[00 0000]
6-bit integer portion of coefficient that is multiplied with R/Cr input, to produce G/Y output (signed magnitude format)
R/Cr input channel – G/Y output channel, fractional part
{csc_r11 0x04(1:0) and csc_r12 0x05(7:0)} [00 0000 0000]
10-bit fractional portion of coefficient that is multiplied with R/Cr input, to produce G/Y output (magnitude format)
R/Cr input channel – B/Cb output channel, integer part
{csc_r21 0x06(7:2)}
[00 0000]
6-bit integer portion of coefficient that is multiplied with R/Cr input, to produce B/Cb output (signed magnitude
R/Cr input channel – B/Cb output channel, fractional part
{csc_r21 0x06(1:0) and csc_r22 0x07(7:0)} [00 0000 0000]
10-bit fractional portion of coefficient that is multiplied with R/Cr input, to produce B/Cb output (magnitude format)
R/Cr input channel – R/Cr output channel, integer part
{csc_r31 0x08(7:2)} [000000]
6-bit integer portion of coefficient that is multiplied with R/Cr input, to produce R/Cr output (signed magnitude format)
R/Cr input channel – R/Cr output channel, fractional part
{csc_r31 0x08(1:0) and csc_r32 0x09(7:0)}
[00 0000 0000]
10-bit fractional portion of coefficient that is multiplied with R/Cr input, to produce R/Cr output (magnitude format)
G/Y input channel – G/Y output channel, integer part
{csc_g11 0x0A(7:2)}
[00 0000]
6-bit fractional portion of coefficient that is multiplied with R/Cr input, to produce R/Cr output (magnitude format)
G/Y input channel – G/Y output channel, fractional part
{csc_g11 0x0A(1:0) and csc_g12 0x0B(7:0)}
[00 0000 0000]
10-bit fractional portion of coefficient that is multiplied with G/Y input, to produce G/Y output (magnitude format)
G/Y input channel – B/Cb output channel, integer part
{csc_g21 0x0C(7:2)}
[00 0000]
6-bit integer portion of coefficient that is multiplied with G/Y input, to produce G/Y output (magnitude format)
G/Y input channel – B/Cb output channel, fractional part
{csc_g21 0x0C(1:0) and csc_g22 0x0D(7:0)}
[00 0000 0000]
10-bit fractional portion of coefficient that is multiplied with G/Y input, to produce B/Cb output (magnitude format)