Clip/Scale/Multiplier Control (Sub-Addresses 0x41–0x4F)
G/Y low clipping value
{csm_clip_gy_low 0x41(7:0)}
[0100 0000]
Sets the value at which low end clipping occurs on G/Y channel, if clipping is enabled. Range is 0–255.
B/Cb low clipping value
{csm_clip_bcb_low 0x42(7:0)}
[0100 0000]
Sets the value at which low end clipping occurs on B/Cb channel, if clipping is enabled. Range is 0–255.
R/Cr low clipping value
{csm_clip_rcr_low 0x43(7:0)}
[0100 0000]
Sets the value at which low end clipping occurs on R/Cr channel, if clipping is enabled. Range is 0–255.
csm_clip_gy_high(7:0): G/Y high clipping value
{csm_clip_gy_high 0x44(7:0)}
[0101 0011]
Sets the value at which high end clipping occurs on G/Y channel, if clipping is enabled.
High clip value = 1023-csm_clip_gy_high
B/Cb high clipping value
{csm_clip_bcb_high 0x45(7:0)}
[0011 1111]
Sets the value at which high end clipping occurs on B/Cb channel, if clipping is enabled.
High clip value = 1023–csm_clip_bcb_high
R/Cr high clipping value
{csm_clip_rcr_high 0x46(7:0)}
[0011 1111]
Sets the value at which high end clipping occur on R/Cr channel, if clipping is enabled.
High clip value = 1023–csm_clip_rcr_highs
G/Y shift value
{csm_shift_gy 0x47(7:0)}
[0100 0000]
Value that G/Y data is shifted downwards. Range 0–255. Note: it is possible to shift the data so much that a roll over
condition occurs.
B/Cb shift value
{csm_shift_bcb 0x48(7:0)}
[0100 0000]
Value that B/Cb data is shifted downwards. Range: 0–255. Note: It is possible to shift the data so much that a roll
over condition occurs.
R/Cr shift value
{csm_shift_rcr 0x49(7:0)}
[0100 0000]
Value that B/Cb data is shifted downwards. Range: 0–255. Note: It is possible to shift the data so much that a roll over
condition occurs.
G/Y scaling on/off
{csm_gy_cntl_mult_msb 0x4A(7)}
0 : Scaling for G/Y channel off
1 : Scaling for G/Y channel on