Y channel high sync level amplitude control
{dtg1_y_sync_msb 0x23(1:0) and dtg1_y_sync3_lsb 0x1F(7:0)}
[11 0000 0000]
Sets the amplitude of the positive sync for the Y channel.
Cb/Cr channel blanking level amplitude control
{dtg1_cbcr_sync_msb 0x24(5:4) and dtg1_cbcr_sync1_lsb 0x20(7:0)}
[10 0000 0000]
Sets the amplitude of the blanking level for the Cb and Cr channels.
dtg1_cbcr_sync_low (9:0):
Cb/Cr channel low sync level amplitude control
{dtg1_cbcr_sync_msb 0x24(3:2) and dtg1_cbcr_sync2_lsb 0x21(7:0)}
[00 0000 0000]
Sets the amplitude of the negative sync and equalization/serration/broad pulses for the Cb and Cr channels
Cb/Cr channel high sync level amplitude control
{dtg1_cbcr_sync_msb 0x24(1:0) and dtg1_cbcr_sync3_lsb 0x22(7:0)}
[11 0000 0000]
Sets the amplitude of the positive sync for the Cb and Cr channels
Negative HSync width
{dtg1_spec_a 0x25(7:0)}
[0010 1100] = [44d]
Width of negative excursion of tri-level (HDTV mode) or bi-level (SDTV mode) sync
End of active video to 0H
{dtg1_spec_b 0x26(7:0)}
[0101 1000] = [88d]
Distance from end of active video to start of negative sync (SDTV mode) or to negative-to-positive transition of
tri-level sync (HDTV mode).
Positive Hsync width (HDTV)/Equalization pulse (SDTV) width
{dtg1_spec_c 0x27(7:0)}
[0010 1100] = [44d]
Width of positive excursion of tri-level (HDTV mode). Width of equalization pulses (SDTV mode).
Sync to active video(SDTV)/sync to broad pulse(HDTV)
{dtg1_spec_deh_msb 0x2B(7) and dtg1_spec_d_lsb 0x28(7:0)}
[0 1000 0100] = [132d]
Distance from leading edge of Hsync to start of active video (SDTV mode) or from negative-to-positive transition of
tri-level sync to start of broad pulse (HDTV mode)
Center equalization pulse to active video (SDTV)
{dtg1_spec_d1 0x29(7:0)}
[0000 0000]
Distance from equalization pulse at center of line to active video (SDTV mode)
Sync to active video (HDTV)/Color bar start (VESA)
{dtg1_spec_deh_msb 0x2B(6) and dtg1_spec_e_lsb 0x2A(7:0)}
[0 1100 0000] = [192d]
Distance from negative-to-positive transition of tri-level sync to start of active video (HDTV mode). In case color bars
are activated in VESA mode, this parameter specifies the start of the color bar with respect to the horizontal sync.
Broad pulse duration (SDTV)
{dtg1_spec_deh_msb 0x2B(1:0) and dtg1_spec_h_lsb 0x2C(7:0)}
[00 0000 0000]
Duration of broad pulse (SDTV mode).