Rev. B | Page 44 of 92
Table 27. RAM Map and Read/Write Modes
Address Range
Write Modes
Parameter RAM
512 × 32
0 to 511 (0x0000 to 0x01FF)
Direct, safeload
Program RAM
512 × 40
1024 to 1535 (0x0400 to 0x05FF)
Table 27 shows the RAM map (the ADAU1781 register map is
space encompasses a set of registers and three RAMs: program,
parameter, and data. The program RAM and parameter RAM
are not initialized on power-up and are in an unknown state
until written to.
The program RAM contains the 40-bit operation codes that
are executed by the core. The SigmaStudio compiler calculates
maximum instructions per frame for a project and generates an
error when the value exceeds the maximum allowable instructions
per frame based on the sample rate of the signals in the core.
Because the end of a program contains a jump-to-start command,
the unused program RAM space does not need to be filled with
no-operation (NOP) commands.
The parameter RAM is 32 bits wide and occupies Address 0
to Address 511. Each parameter is padded with four 0s before
the MSB to extend the 28-bit word to a full 4-byte width. The
data format of the parameter RAM is twos complement, 5.23.
This means that the coefficients can range from +16.0 (minus
1 LSB) to 16.0, with 1.0 represented by the binary word
0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 or by the hexadecimal
word 0x00 0x80 0x00 0x00.
The parameter RAM can be written to directly or with a safe-
load write. The direct write mode of operation is typically used
during a complete new loading of the RAM using burst mode
addressing to avoid any clicks or pops in the outputs. Note that
this mode can be used during live program execution, but because
there is no handshaking between the core and the control port,
the parameter RAM is unavailable to the DSP core during control
writes, resulting in clicks and pops in the audio stream.
SigmaStudio automatically assigns the first eight positions to
safeload parameters; therefore, project-specific parameters start
at Address 0x0008.
The ADAU1781 data RAM is used to store audio data-words for
processing. The user cannot directly address this RAM space,
which has a size of 512 words, from the control port.
When implementing blocks, such as delays, that require large
amounts of data RAM space, data RAM utilization should be
taken into account. The SigmaDSP core processes delay times
in one-sample increments; therefore, the total pool of delay
available to the user equals 512 multiplied by the sample period.
For a fS,DSP of 48 kHz, the pool of available delay is a maximum
of about 10 ms, where fS,DSP is the DSP core sampling rate. In
practice, this much data memory is not available to the user
because every block in a design uses a few data memory
locations for its processing. In most DSP programs, this does
not significantly affect the total delay time. The SigmaStudio
compiler manages the data RAM and indicates whether the
number of addresses needed in the design exceeds the
maximum number available.
The read/write formats of the control port are designed to
be byte oriented to allow for easy programming of common
microcontroller chips. To fit into a byte-oriented format, 0s
are appended to the data fields before the MSB to extend the
data-word to eight bits. For example, 28-bit words written to
the parameter RAM are appended with four leading 0s to equal
32 bits (four bytes); 40-bit words written to the program RAM
are not appended with 0s because they are already a full five
bytes. These zero-padded data fields are appended to a 3-byte
field consisting of a 7-bit chip address, a read/write bit, and a
16-bit RAM/register address. The control port knows how
many data bytes to expect based on the address given in the
first three bytes.
The total number of bytes for a single-location write command can
vary from one byte (for a control register write) to five bytes (for a
program RAM write). Burst mode can be used to fill contiguous
register or RAM locations. A burst mode write begins by writing
the address and data of the first RAM or register location to be
written. Rather than ending the control port transaction (by issuing
a stop command in I2C mode or by bringing the CLATCH signal
high in SPI mode after the data-word), as would be done in a
single-address write, the next data-word can be written immedi-
ately without specifying its address. The ADAU1781 control
port auto-increments the address of each write even across the
Table 31 show examples of burst mode writes.