64M x 9, 32M x 18
576Mb SIO Low Latency DRAM (LLDRAMTM) II
533 MHz–300 MHz
2.5 V VEXT
1.8 V VDD
1.5 V or 1.8 V VDDQ
Commercial Temp
Industrial Temp
Rev: 1.01 4/2011
2011, GSI Technology
Specifications cited are subject to change without notice. For latest documentation see http://www.gsitechnology.com.
Pin- and function-compatible with Micron RLDRAM II
533 MHz DDR operation (1.067Gb/s/pin data rate)
38.4 Gb/s peak bandwidth (x18 at 533 MHz clock frequency)
32M x 18 and 64M x 9 organizations available
8 banks
Reduced cycle time (15 ns at 533 MHz)
Address Multiplexing (Nonmultiplexed address option
SRAM-type interface
Programmable Read Latency (RL), row cycle time, and burst
sequence length
Balanced Read and Write Latencies in order to optimize data
bus utilization
Data mask for Write commands
Differential input clocks (CK, CK)
Differential input data clocks (DKx, DKx)
On-chip DLL generates CK edge-aligned data and output
data clock signals
Data valid signal (QVLD)
32 ms refresh (16K refresh for each bank; 128K refresh
command must be issued in total each 32 ms)
μBGA package
HSTL I/O (1.5 V or 1.8 V nominal)
Ω–60Ω matched impedance outputs
2.5 V VEXT, 1.8 V VDD, 1.5 V or 1.8 V VDDQ I/O
On-die termination (ODT) RTT
Commerical and Industrial Temperature
Commercial (+0°
≤ TC ≤ +95°C)
Industrial (–40°
≤ TC ≤ +95°C)
The GSI Technology 576Mb Low Latency DRAM
(LLDRAM) II is a high speed memory device designed for
high address rate data processing typically found in networking
and telecommunications applications. The 8-bank architecture
and low tRC allows access rates formerly only found in
The Double Data Rate (DDR) I/O interface provides high
bandwidth data transfers, clocking out two beats of data per
clock cycle at the I/O balls. Source-synchronous clocking can
be implemented on the host device with the provided free-
running data output clock.
Commands, addresses, and control signals are single data rate
signals clocked in by the True differential input clock
transition, while input data is clocked in on both crossings of
the input data clock(s).
Read and Write data transfers always in short bursts. The burst
length is programmable to 2, 4 or 8 by setting the Mode
The device is supplied with 2.5 V VEXT and 1.8 V VDD for the
core, and 1.5 V or 1.8 V for the HSTL output drivers.
Internally generated row addresses facilitate bank-scheduled
The device is delivered in an efficent
μBGA 144-ball package.