Signal Descriptions
MCF5272 ColdFire Integrated Microprocessor User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor
19.15.1 QSPI Synchronous Serial Data Output (QSPI_Dout/WSEL)
The QSPI synchronous serial data output (QSPI_Dout) can be programmed to be driven on the rising or
falling edge of SCK. Each byte is sent msb first.
WSEL configuration input is sampled on the rising edge of Reset Output (RSTO).
19.15.2 QSPI Synchronous Serial Data Input (QSPI_Din)
The QSPI synchronous serial data input (QSPI_Din) can be programmed to be sampled on the rising or
falling edge of QSPI_CLK. Each byte is written to RAM lsb first.
19.15.3 QSPI Serial Clock (QSPI_CLK/BUSW1)
The QSPI serial clock (QSPI_CLK/BUSW1) provides the serial clock from the QSPI. The polarity and
phase of QSPI_CLK are programmable. The output frequency is programmed according to the following
formula, in which n can be any value between 1 and 255:
× n)
At reset, QSPI_CLK/BUSW1 is used to configure the width of memory connected to CS0.
BUSW1 configuration input is sampled on the rising edge of Reset Output (RSTO).
19.15.4 Synchronous Peripheral Chip Select 0 (QSPI_CS0/BUSW0)
The synchronous peripheral chip select 0 (QSPI_CS0) output provides a QSPI peripheral chip select that
can be programmed to be active high or low. During reset, this pin is used to configure the width of
memory connected to CS0.
BUSW0 configuration input is sampled on the rising edge of Reset Output (RSTO).
19.15.5 Synchronous Peripheral Chip Select 1 (QSPI_CS1/PA11)
QSPI_CS1 can be programmed to be active high or low.
19.15.6 Synchronous Peripheral Chip Select 2 (QSPI_CS2/URT1_CTS)
19.15.7 Synchronous Peripheral Chip Select 3 (PA7/DOUT3/QSPI_CS3)
description for GPIO ports.