S/UNI-ATLAS-3200 Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use
Document ID: PMC-1990553, Issue 4
Pin Name
Pin No
(A) not used
(B) not used
(C) End of packet. RPP_EOP is used to delineate the packet
boundaries on the RPP_DAT bus. When RPP_EOP is high, the
end of the packet is present on the RPP_DAT bus.
RMOD[1:0] indicates the number of valid bytes the last double-
word is composed of when RPP_EOP is asserted.
REOP is required to be present at the end of every packet and is
considered valid only when RVAL is asserted.
(D) End of packet. TLP_EOP is used to delineate the packet
boundaries on the TLP_DAT bus. When TLP_EOP is high, the
end of the packet is present on the TLP_DAT bus.
TLP_MOD[1:0] indicates the number of valid bytes the last
double-word is composed of when TLP_EOP is asserted.
TLP_EOP is required to be present at the end of every packet
and is considered valid only when TLP_ENB is asserted.
The S/UNI-ATLAS-3200 always ends a burst when EOP is
asserted. The minimum average packet length for which OC-48
throughput may be guaranteed is 32 bytes.
(A) not used
(B) not used
(C) RPP_MOD[1:0]
(C) Number of bytes in packet modulo 4
RPP_MOD[1:0] indicates the number of valid bytes of data in
RPP_DAT[31:0]. The RPP_MOD bus should always be all zero,
except during the last double-word transfer of a packet on
RPP_DAT[31:0]. When RPP_EOP is asserted, the number of
valid packet data bytes on RPP_DAT[31:0] is specified by
RPP_MOD[1:0] = “00”
RPP_DAT[31:0] valid
RPP_MOD[1:0] = “01”
RPP_DAT[31:8] valid
RPP_MOD[1:0] = “10”
RPP_DAT[31:16] valid
RPP_MOD[1:0] = “11”
RPP_DAT[31:24] valid
RPP_MOD[1:0] is considered valid only when RPP_VAL is
(D) TLP_MOD[1:0]
(D) Number of bytes in packet modulo 4
TLP_MOD[1:0] indicates the number of valid bytes of data in
TLP_DAT[31:0]. The TLP_MOD bus should always be all zero,
except during the last double-word transfer of a packet on
TLP_DAT[31:0]. When TLP_EOP and TLP_ENB are asserted,
the number of valid packet data bytes on TLP_DAT[31:0] is
specified by TLP_MOD[1:0].
TLP_MOD[1:0] = “00”
TLP_DAT[31:0] valid
TLP_MOD[1:0] = “01”
TLP_DAT[31:8] valid
TLP_MOD[1:0] = “10”
TLP_DAT[31:16] valid
TLP_MOD[1:0] = “11”
TLP_DAT[31:24] valid