1998 Aug 26
Philips Semiconductors
Product specification
Low voltage 8-bit microcontroller with
6-kbyte embedded RAM
The SZF2002 has 6 kbytes of program memory plus
6 kbytes + 256 bytes of data memory on chip. The device
has separate address spaces for program and data
memory (see Fig.4).
The SZF2002 can directly address up to 256 kbytes of
external data memory. The CPU generates the read
strobe (OE), the write strobe (WE) and chip select (CE) for
external program memory (Flash), and read strobe (OE)
and write strobe (WE) and chip select (RAMCE) for
external data memory.
Program memory
The SZF2002 contains 6 kbytes of internal ROM and
6144 + 256 bytes of RAM. The lower 6 kbytes of program
memory can be implemented in either on-chip ROM or
external program memory. The 6 kbytes of program
memory is implemented as mask programmable ROM.
There are two modes for the program memory, depending
on the state of the EA pin (latched during reset) and on the
address range:
EA = 0.
All program fetches are directed to the
external program memory. After reset the CPU begins
execution at location 8000H.
EA = 1.
After reset the CPU begins execution at
location 0000H. Fetches from addresses
2000H to 37FFH are redirected to the Auxiliary RAM.
The processor can fill this RAM with normal write
operations to the data memory (MOVX to addresses
0000H to 17FFH). Program memory fetches from
addresses 0000H to 17FFH are directed to the
internal ROM.
Program Counter values greater than 7FFFH are
automatically addressed to external memory regardless of
the state of the EA pin.
Data memory
The SZF2002 contains 6144 + 256 bytes of RAM and a
number of Special Function Registers (SFRs). All these
data spaces are addressed differently. Figure 4 shows the
internal data memory space divided into the lower
128 bytes, the upper 128 bytes, Auxiliary RAM, and the
SFRs space. Internal RAM locations 0 to 127 are directly
and indirectly addressed. Internal RAM locations
128 to 255 are only indirectly addressed.
The Special Function Register locations 128 to 255 are
only directly addressed. Auxiliary RAM is accessible via
MOVX instructions to the lower 32-kbyte address space.
MOVX @R0/R1 instructions use SFR P2 as page
selector. The upper 32-kbyte address space is redirected
to the program memory, to accommodate flash
Special Function Registers (SFRs)
The upper 128 bytes are the address locations of the
SFRs. Figures 6 and 7 show the Special Function
Registers space. The SFRs include the port latches,
timers, peripheral control, serial I/O registers, etc. These
registers are accessed by direct addressing. There are
128 directly addressed locations in the SFR address
space. Bit addressed SFRs are those that end in 000B.
The SZF2002 has five methods for addressing source
Base-Register plus Index-Register-Indirect.
The first three methods can be used for addressing
destination operands. Most instructions have a
‘destination/source’ field that specifies the data type,
addressing methods and operands involved.
For operations other than MOVs, the destination operand
is also a source operand.
Access to memory addressing is as follows:
Registers in one of the four register banks through Direct
or Indirect (see Fig.5)
Lower 128 bytes of internal RAM through Direct or
register Indirect; upper 128 bytes of internal RAM
through Indirect
Special Function Registers through Direct
Program memory look-up tables through Base-Register
plus Index-Register-Indirect
Extended data memory access through register Indirect.