— Hardware A-law/
-law conversion
— Up to 50 Mbps per TDM (50 MHz bit clock if one data line is used, 25 MHz if two data lines are
used, 12.5 MHz if four data lines are used).
— Up to 256 channels.
— Up to 16 MB per channel buffer (granularity 8 bytes), where A/
law buffer size is double
(granularity 16 byte)
— Receive buffers share one global write offset pointer that is written to the same offset relative to
their start address.
— Transmit buffers share one global read offset pointer that is read from the same offset relative to
their start address.
— All channels share the same word size.
— Two programmable receive and two programmable transmit threshold levels with interrupt
generation that can be used, for example, to implement double buffering.
— Each channel can be programmed to be active or inactive.
— 2-, 4-, 8-, or 16-bit channels are stored in the internal memory as 2-, 4-, 8-, or 16-bit channels,
— The TDM Transmitter Sync Signal (TxTSYN) can be configured as either input or output.
— Frame Sync and Data signals can be programmed to be sampled either on the rising edge or on the
falling edge of the clock.
— Frame sync can be programmed as active low or active high.
— Selectable delay (0–3 bits) between the Frame Sync signal and the beginning of the frame.
— MSB or LSB first support.
— Two signals for transmit data and receive data.
— No clock, asynchronous mode.
— Can be serviced either by the SC140 DSP cores or an external host on the 60x-compatible system
bus or on the DSI.
— Full-duplex operation.
— Standard mark/space non-return-to-zero (NRZ) format.
— 13-bit baud rate selection.
— Programmable 8-bit or 9-bit data format.
— Separately enabled transmitter and receiver.
— Programmable transmitter output polarity.
— Two receiver wakeup methods:
Idle line wakeup.
Address mark wakeup.
— Separate receiver and transmitter interrupt requests.
— Eight flags, the first five can generate interrupt request:
Transmitter empty.
Transmission complete.
Receiver full.
Idle receiver input.
Receiver overrun.
Noise error.
Framing error.
Parity error.
— Receiver framing error detection.
— Hardware parity checking.
— 1/16 bit-time noise detection.
— Maximum bit rate 6.25 Mbps.