Analog to Digital Converter
A/D Operation
Rev. 1.0
General Release Specification
Analog to Digital Converter
12.4 A/D Operation
The A/D is an 8-bit S.A.R. type A/D converter, with continuous
conversion per given channel. The result of a conversion is loaded into
the read-only result data register, and a conversion complete flag COCO
is set in the A/D status/control register.
Any write to the A/D status/control register will abort the current
conversion, reset the conversion complete flag and start a new
conversion on the selected channel.
At power-on or external reset, both the ADRC and ADON bits are
cleared. Thus the A/D is disabled.
Each channel of conversion takes 32 clock cycles, which must be at a
frequency equal to or greater than 1 MHz.
A multiplexer allows the single A/D converter to select one of four
external analog signals and three internal reference sources.
12.5 Internal and Master Oscillator
If the MCU bus (E clock) frequency is less than 1.0 MHz, an internal RC
oscillator (nominally 1.5 MHz) must be used for the A/D conversion
clock. This selection is made by setting the ADRC bit in the A/D
status/control register to 1.
When the internal RC oscillator is being used as the conversion clock
three limitations apply:
The conversion complete flag (COCO) must be used to determine
when a conversion sequence has been completed, due to the
frequency tolerance of the RC oscillator and its asynchronism with
regard to the MCU bus clock.
The conversion process runs at the nominal 1.5 MHz rate, but the
conversion results must be transferred to the MCU result registers
synchronously with the MCU bus clock, so the conversion time is
limited to a maximum of one channel per bus cycle.
If the system clock is running faster than the RC oscillator, the RC
oscillator should be turned off, and the system clock used as the
conversion clock.