Row Digital Interconnect (RDI)
CY8C24xxx Preliminary Data Sheet
Document No. 38-12011 Rev. *E
December 22, 2003
Register Definitions
The only configurable inputs to a Digital PSoC Block Row
are the Global Input Even and Global Input Odd 8-bit bus-
ses. The only configurable outputs from the Digital PSoC
Block Row are the Global Output Even and Global Output
Odd 8-bit busses.
Figure 16-2 on page 195
illustrates the
relationships between global signals and row signals.
Notice on the left side of
Figure 16-2
that global inputs
(GIE[n] and GIO[n]) are inputs to 4-to-1 multiplexers. The
output of these multiplexers are Row Inputs (RI[x]). Because
there are four 4-to-1 multiplexers, each with a unique set of
inputs, a row has access to every global input line in a PSoC
For a complete list of the Digital Row registers showing their
addresses and bit names, reference the
“Digital Register
Summary” on page 186
RDIxRI Register
The select bits used to control the four multiplexers are
located in the RDIxRI register, where “x” denotes a place
holder for the row index.
Table 16-2
lists the meaning for
each multiplexer’s four possible settings.
The RDIxRI and RDIxSYN registers are the only two regis-
ters that affect Digital PSoC Row input signals. All other reg-
isters are related to output signal configuration. The options,
with respect to output signals, are discussed below.
For additional information, reference the
RDIxRI register on
page 120
RDIxSYN Register
By default, each row input is double synchronized to the
SYSCLK (system clock). However, a user may choose to
disable this synchronization by setting the appropriate RIx-
SYN bit in the RDIxSYN register.
Table 16-3
lists the bit
meanings for each implemented bit of the RDIxSYN register.
The RDIxRI and RDIxSYN registers are the only two regis-
ters that affect Digital PSoC Row input signals. All other reg-
isters are related to output signal configuration. The options,
with respect to output signals, are discussed below.
For additional information, reference the
RDIxSYN register
on page 121
RDIxIS Register
As mentioned previously, each LUT has two inputs, where
one of the inputs is configurable (Input A) and the other input
(Input B) is fixed to a row output. The configurable LUT input
(Input A) chooses between a single row output and a single
row input.
Table 16-4
lists the options for each LUT in a row.
The bits are labeled IS, meaning Input Select. The LUT’s
fixed input is always the RO[LUT number + 1], i.e., LUT0’s
fixed input is RO[1], LUT1’s fixed input is RO[2],..., and
LUT3’s fixed input is RO[0].
For additional information, reference the
RDIxIS register on
page 122
Table 16-2. RDIxRI Register
0h: GIE[0]
1h: GIE[4]
2h: GIO[0]
3h: GIO[4]
0h: GIE[1]
1h: GIE[5]
2h: GIO[1]
3h: GIO[5]
0h: GIE[2]
1h: GIE[6]
2h: GIO[2]
3h: GIO[6]
0h: GIE[3]
1h: GIE[7]
2h: GIO[3]
3h: GIO[7]
Table 16-3. RDIxSYN Register
0: Row input 3 in synchronized to 24 MHz system clock
1: Row input 3 is passed without synchronization
0: Row input 2 in synchronized to 24 MHz system clock
1: Row input 2 is passed without synchronization
0: Row input 1 in synchronized to 24 MHz system clock
1: Row input 1 is passed without synchronization
0: Row input 0 in synchronized to 24 MHz system clock
1: Row input 0 is passed without synchronization
Table 16-4. RDIxIS Register Bits
0: Row 0 driver local row broadcast net*
1: Row 1 driver local row broadcast net*
2: Row 2 driver local row broadcast net*
3: Row 3 driver local row broadcast net*
The ‘A’ input of LUT 3 is RO[3]
The ‘A’ input of LUT 3 is RI[3]
The ‘A’ input of LUT 2 is RO[2]
The ‘A’ input of LUT 2 is RI[2]
The ‘A’ input of LUT 1 is RO[1]
The ‘A’ input of LUT 1 is RI[1]
The ‘A’ input of LUT 0 is RO[0]
The ‘A’ input of LUT 0 is RI[0]
* When the BCSELL value is equal to the row number, the tri-state buffer
that drives the row broadcast net from the input select mux, is disabled, so
that one of the row’s blocks may drive the local row broadcast net.
* If the row is not present in the part, the selection provides a Logic 1 value.