Bit 3 (transfer size bit (TS)): TS selects the transfer unit size. If the on-chip peripheral module
that is the source or destination of the transfer can only be accessed in bytes, byte must be
selected in this bit. The TS bit is initialized to 0 by resets or in standby mode.
Bit 3: TS
Byte (8 bits) (initial value)
Word (16 bits)
Bit 2 (interrupt enable bit (IE)): IE determines whether or not to request a CPU interrupt at the
end of a DMA transfer. When the IE bit is set to 1, an interrupt (DEI) is requested from the
CPU when the TE bit is set. The IE bit is initialized to 0 by resets or in standby mode.
Bit 2: IE
Interrupt request disabled (initial value)
Interrupt requeste enabled
Bit 1 (transfer end flag bit (TE)): TE indicates that the transfer has ended. When a DMA
transfer ends normally and the value in the DMA transfer count register (TCR) becomes 0, the
TE bit is set to 1. This flag is not set if the transfer ends because of an NMI interrupt or address
error, or because the DE bit or the DME bit of the DMA operation register (DMAOR) was
cleared. To clear the TE bit, read 1 from it and then write 0.
When this flag is set, setting the DE bit to 1 does not enable a DMA transfer. The TE bit is
initialized to 0 by resets or in standby mode.
Bit 1: TE
DMA has not ended or was aborted (initial value)
To clear TE, the CPU must read TE after it has been set to 1, then
write a 0 in this bit
DMA has ended normally