Table 4.5
Address Error Sources
Bus Cycle
Bus Master
Address Error
Instruction fetch
Instruction fetch from even address
None (normal)
Instruction fetch from odd address
Address error
Instruction fetch from outside on-chip
peripheral module space
None (normal)
Instruction fetch from on-chip peripheral
module space
Address error
Data read/write
Access to word data from even address
None (normal)
Access to word data from odd address
Address error
Access to long word data aligned on long
word boundary
None (normal)
Access to long word data not aligned on
long word boundary
Address error
Access to word or byte data in on-chip
peripheral module space*
None (normal)
Access to long word data in 16-bit on-chip
peripheral module space*
None (normal)
Access to long word data in 8-bit on-chip
peripheral module space*
Address error
See section 8, Bus State Controller, for details on the on-chip peripheral module space.
Address Error Exception Processing
When an address error occurs, address error exception processing starts after both the bus cycle
that caused the address error and the instructions that were being executed at that time have been
completed. The CPU then:
1. Pushes the SR onto the stack.
2. Pushes the program counter onto the stack. The PC value saved is the top address of the
instruction following the last instruction to be executed.
3. Fetches the exception service routine start address from the exception vector table for the
address error that occurred and starts program execution from that address. The branch that
occurs here is not a delayed branch.