Free-running count and periodic count
A reset of the counters for channels 0–4 leaves them all in the free-running mode. When a
corresponding bit in the TSTR is set to 1, the corresponding timer counter operates as a free-
running counter and begins to increment. When the count wraps around from H'FFFF–H'0000,
the overflow flag (OVF) in the timer status register (TSR) is set to 1. If the OVIE bit in the
timer’s corresponding interrupt enable register (TIER) is set to 1, the CPU will be asked for an
interrupt. After the TCNT overflows, counting continues from H'0000. Figure 10.15 shows an
example of free-running counting.
Periodic counter operation is obtained for a given channel’s TCNT by selecting compare match
as a TCNT clear source. (Set the GRA or GRB for period setting to output compare register
and select counter clear upon compare match using the CCLR1 and CCLR0 bits of the timer
control register (TCR).) After setting, the TCNT begins incrementing as a periodic counter
when the corresponding bit of TSTR is set to 1. When the count matches GRA or GRB, the
IMFA/IMFB bit in the TSR is set to 1 and the counter is automatically cleared to H'0000. If the
IMIEA/IMIEB bit of the corresponding TIER is set to 1 at this point, the CPU will be asked for
an interrupt. After the compare match, TCNT continues counting from H'0000. Figure 10.16
shows an example of periodic counting.
TCNT value
Figure 10.15 Free-Running Counter Operation