IBM 133 PCI-X Bridge R1.1
Configuration Registers
Page 78 of 131
July 9, 2001
133 MHz Capable
This bit is read-only and is a b‘1’ indicating that this bridge is capable of 133 MHz operation on the primary
64-bit Device
This bit is read-only and is a b‘1’ indicating that the width of the bridge’s primary AD interface is 64 bits.
Bus Number
These bits are read for diagnostic purposes only. It is an additional address from which the contents of the Pri-
mary Bus Number register in the Type x‘01’ Configuration Space header is read.
The bridge uses the Bus Number, Device Number, and Function Number fields to create the Completer ID
when responding with a Split Completion to a read of and internal bridge register. These fields are also used for
cases when one interface is in conventional mode and the other is in PCI-X mode.
Device Number
These bits are read for diagnostic purposes only. They indicate the number of this device; that is, the number in
the Device Number field (AD[15:11]) of the address of a Type 0 configuration transaction that is assigned to
this bridge by the connection of the system hardware. The bridge uses this number as described for the Bus
Number field above.
Each time the bridge is addressed by a Configuration Write transaction, the bridge updates this register with
the contents of AD[15:11] of the address phase of the Configuration Write, regardless of which register in the
bridge is addressed by the transaction. The bridge is addressed by a Configuration Write transaction if all of the
following are true:
The transaction uses a Configuration Write command
IDSEL is asserted during the address phase
AD[1:0] are b‘00’ (Type 0 configuration transaction)
AD[10:08] of the configuration address contain the appropriate function number.
State after RST# is x‘1F’.
Function Number
These bits are read for diagnostic purposes only. They indicate the number of this function; that is, the number
in the Function Number field (AD[10:08]) of the address of a Type 0 configuration transaction to which this
bridge responds. The bridge uses this number as described for the Bus Number field above.
State after RST# is b‘000’.
Field Name and Description