Chapter 2. Signal Descriptions
Reset State
0 V
5 V
5 V
0 V
1 This column contains only the list of signals and should not be confused with the actual pin name. For actual pin
2 For 5-V outputs, the left hand value represents slew rate control off, and the right hand value represents slew rate
control on. For 2.6-V outputs, the left hand value represents loads that are full drive, and the right hand value
represents loads that are half drive.
3 Care should be taken that neither a pull-up to greater than 3.1 V or an external output that can drive greater than
3.1 V is connected to this pin while the 2.6-V driver is enabled.
4 Pull-up/pull-down is active when pin is defined as an input and/or during reset, therefore, output enable is negated.
This also means that external pull-up/pull-down is NOT required unless specified.
5 For this 5-V output, a drive load of 200 pf is possible but with a rise/fall time of 300 ns.
6 During reset, the output enable to the pad driver is negated and the PD is active. After reset is negated, the PD is
7 2.6-V outputs cannot be connected to a pull-up or driver greater than 3.1 V.
8 This pin requires a pull-up to 2.6 V if interrupts are ever enabled for this IRQ input.
9 This signal also includes the MDO5 function on the K27S mask set of the MPC561.
10 The MODCK[1:3] are shared functions with IRQ[5:7]. If IRQ[5:7] are used as interrupts, the interrupt source should
be removed during PORESET/TRST to insure the MODCK pins are in the correct state on the rising edge of
11 These pins are powered by KAPWR (keep-alive power supply). Any pull-ups on these pins should pull-up to
12 An external pull-up is required in order to negate the signal in the appropriate time.
13 This pin is 5-V tolerant.
14 This signal was PD only until SPRDS is set on mask set K27S of the MPC561.
15 These values represent full drive, half drive and quarter drive.
16 Whether the Pull device is a pull-up or a pull-down is determined by the state of the PULL_SEL signal.
17 For this 5-V output, a drive load of 200 pf is possible, but will have a rise/fall time of 100ns.
18 MPC563 only, no connection on MPC561.
19 IRAMSTBY is the input to an approximately 1.7V voltage regulator. It should be connected through a resistor to a
standby power supply.
Table 2-12. MPC561/MPC563 Signal Reset State (continued)
Signal List 1
Slew Rate
(pF) 2
Reset State
Function After HRESET,