MPC755 RISC Microprocessor Hardware Specifications
System Design Information
Figure 26. C4 Package with Heat Sink Mounted to a Printed-Circuit Board
Adhesives and Thermal Interface Materials
A thermal interface material is recommended at the package lid-to-heat sink interface to minimize the
thermal contact resistance. For those applications where the heat sink is attached by spring clip mechanism,
Figure 27 shows the thermal performance of three thin-sheet thermal-interface materials (silicone,
graphite/oil, floroether oil), a bare joint, and a joint with thermal grease as a function of contact pressure.
As shown, the performance of these thermal interface materials improves with increasing contact pressure.
The use of thermal grease significantly reduces the interface thermal resistance. That is, the bare joint results
in a thermal resistance approximately seven times greater than the thermal grease joint.
Heat sinks are attached to the package by means of a spring clip to holes in the printed-circuit board (see
Figure 25). This spring force should not exceed 5.5 pounds of force. Therefore, the synthetic grease offers
the best thermal performance, considering the low interface pressure. Of course, the selection of any thermal
interface material depends on many factors—thermal performance requirements, manufacturability, service
temperature, dielectric properties, cost, etc.
Figure 27 describes the thermal performance of select thermal interface materials.
External Resistance
(Note the internal versus external package resistance)
External Resistance
Internal Resistance
Heat Sink
Printed-Circuit Board
Thermal Interface Material
Die Junction