____________________________________________________ DS34T101, DS34T102, DS34T104, DS34T108
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Ability to generate RAI (yellow alarm) according to the Japanese standard
T1 to E1 conversion
Framer/Formatter TDM Interface
Independent two-frame receive and transmit elastic stores
Independent control and clocking
Controlled slip capability with status
Support for T1-to-E1 conversion
Ability to pass the T1 F-bit position through the elastic stores in the 2.048MHz TDM mode
Hardware signaling capability
Receive signaling reinsertion
Availability of signaling in a separate signal
BERT testing to the system interface
TDM-over-Packet Block
Enables transport of TDM services (E1, T1, E3, T3, STS-1) or serial data over packet-switched networks
SAToP payload-type machine maps/demaps unframed E1/T1/E3/T3/STS-1 or serial data flows to/from IP,
MPLS or Ethernet packets according to ITU-T Y.1413, Y.1453, MEF 8, MFA 8.0.0 and IETF RFC 4553.
CESoPSN payload-type machine maps/demaps structured E1/T1 data flows to/from IP, MPLS or Ethernet
packets with static assignment of timeslots inside a bundle according to ITU-T Y.1413, Y.1453, MEF 8, MFA
8.0.0 and IETF RFC 5086.
AAL1 payload-type machine maps/demaps E1/T1/E3/T3/STS-1 or serial data flows to/from IP, MPLS or
Ethernet packets according to ITU-T Y.1413, MEF 8, MFA 4.1 and IETF RFC 5087. For E1/T1 it supports
structured mode with/without CAS using 8-bit timeslot resolution, while implementing static timeslot allocation.
For E1/T1, E3/T3/STS-1 or serial interface it supports unstructured mode.
HDLC payload-type machine maps/demaps HDLC-based E1/T1/serial flow to/from IP, MPLS or Ethernet
packets. It supports 2-, 7- and 8-bit timeslot resolution (i.e. 16, 56, and 64 kbps respectively), as well as N x 64
kbps bundles. This is useful in applications where HDLC-based signaling interpretation is required (such as
ISDN D channel signaling termination, V.51/2, or GR-303), or for trunking packet-based applications (such as
Frame Relay), according to IETF RFC 4618.
TDMoP TDM Interfaces
Supports single high-speed E3, T3 or STS-1 interface on port 1 or one (DS34T101), two (DS34T102), four
(DS34T104) or eight (DS34T108) E1, T1 or serial interfaces
For single high-speed E3, T3 or STS-1 interface, AAL1 or SAToP payload type is used
For E1 or T1 interfaces, the following modes are available:
Unframed – E1/T1 pass-through mode (AAL1, SAToP or HDLC payload type)
Structured – fractional E1/T1 support (all payloads)
Structured with CAS – fractional E1/T1 with CAS support (CESoPSN or AAL1 payload type)
For serial interfaces, the following modes are available:
Arbitrary continuous bit stream (using AAL1 or SAToP payload type)
Single-interface high-speed mode on port 1 up to STS-1 rate (51.84 Mbps) using a single
Low-speed mode with each interface operating at N x 64 kbps (N = 1 to 63) with an aggregate rate of
HDLC-based traffic (such as Frame Relay) at N x 64 kbps (N = 1 to 63) with an aggregate rate of
All serial interface modes are capable of working with a gapped clock.
TDMoP Bundles
64 independent bundles, each can be assigned to any TDM interface