Supply Controller (SUPC)
49.1.1 SUPC: Supply Monitor (SM) on VDDIO
The Supply Monitor (SM) sampling mode reducing the average current consumption on VDDIO is not functional.
Problem Fix/Workaround
Use the Supply Monitor in continuous mode only.
49.1.2 SUPC: Core Voltage Regulator Standby Mode Control
The Core Voltage Regulator standby mode controlled by the ONREG bit in SUPC_MR is not functional. This does not
prevent to power VDDCORE and VDDPLL by using an external voltage regulator.
Problem Fix/Workaround
None. Do not use the ONREG Bit.
49.1.3 SUPC: Core Brownout Detector. Unpredictable Behavior if BOD is Disabled, VDDCORE is Lost and VDDIO
is Powered
In active mode or in wait mode, if the Brownout Detector (BOD) is disabled (SUPC_MR: BODDIS=1) and power is lost on
VDDCORE while VDDIO is powered, the device can be reset incorrectly and its behavior becomes then unpredictable.
Problem Fix/Workaround
When the Brownout Detector is disabled in active or in wait mode, VDDCORE must be always powered.
Parallel Input Output (PIO) Controller
49.2.1 PIO: Schmitt Trigger
Schmitt triggers on all PIO controllers are not enabled by default (after reset) as stated in the product datasheet.
Enable and disable values in the PIO Schmitt Trigger Register (for all PIO controllers) are inverted. The definition
of PIO_SCHMITT fields must be as follows:
0: Schmitt Trigger is disabled.
1: Schmitt Trigger is enabled.
Problem Fix/Workaround
None. It is up to the application to enable Schmitt trigger mode and to take into account the inverted values of the
Watchdog (WDT) / Reinforced Safety Watchdog (RSWDT)
49.3.1 WDT / RSWDT not stopped in WAIT mode
When the Watchdog (WDT) or the Reinforced Safety Watchdog (RSWDT) is enabled an the WAITMODE bit set to 1 is
used to enter low-power wait mode, the WDT/RSWDT is not halted. If the time spent in wait mode is longer than the
Watchdog (Reinforced Safety Watchdog) time-out, the device is reset provided that the WDT/RSWDT reset is enabled.