43051E–ATPL–08/14 Fixed Priority Arbitration
Fixed priority arbitration algorithm is the first and only arbitration algorithm applied between masters from distinct priority
pools. It is also used in priority pools other than the highest and lowest priority pools (intermediate priority pools).
Fixed priority arbitration allows the Bus Matrix arbiters to dispatch the requests from different masters to the same slave
by using the fixed priority defined by the user in the MxPR field for each master in the Priority registers, MATRIX_PRAS
and MATRIX_PRBS. If two or more master requests are active at the same time, the master with the highest priority
MxPR number is serviced first.
In intermediate priority pools, if two or more master requests with the same priority are active at the same time, the
master with the highest number is serviced first. Round-robin Arbitration
This algorithm is only used in the highest and lowest priority pools. It allows the Bus Matrix arbiters to properly dispatch
requests from different masters to the same slave. If two or more master requests are active at the same time in the
priority pool, they are serviced in a round-robin increasing master number order.
Register Write Protection
To prevent any single software error from corrupting the Bus Matrix behavior, certain registers in the address space can
be write-protected by setting the WPEN bit in the
“Write Protection Mode Register”
If a write access to a write-protected register is detected, the WPVS flag in the
“Write Protection Status Register”
(MATRIX_WPSR) is set and the field WPVSRC indicates the register in which the write access has been attempted.
The WPVS bit is automatically cleared after reading the MATRIX_WPSR.
The following registers can be write-protected:
“Bus Matrix Master Configuration Registers”
“Bus Matrix Slave Configuration Registers”
“Bus Matrix Priority Registers A For Slaves”
“System I/O Configuration Register”