CompactFlash Support
The External Bus Interface 0 integrates circuitry that interfaces to CompactFlash devices.
The CompactFlash logic is driven by the Static Memory Controller (SMC) on the NCS4 and/or
NCS5 address space. Programming the EBI_CS4A and/or EBI_CS5A bit of the EBI_CSA Reg-
ister in the Chip Configuration User Interface to the appropriate value enables this logic. (For
details on this register, refer to the Chip Configuration User Interface in the Bus Matrix Section.)
Access to an external CompactFlash device is then made by accessing the address space
reserved to NCS4 and/or NCS5 (i.e., between 0x5000 0000 and 0x5FFF FFFF for NCS4 and
between 0x6000 0000 and 0x6FFF FFFF for NCS5).
All CompactFlash modes (Attribute Memory, Common Memory, I/O and True IDE) are sup-
ported but the signals _IOIS16 (I/O and True IDE modes) and _ATA SEL (True IDE mode) are
not handled.
I/O Mode, Common Memory Mode, Attribute Memory Mode and True IDE Mode
Within the NCS4 and/or NCS5 address space, the current transfer address is used to distinguish
I/O mode, common memory mode, attribute memory mode and True IDE mode.
The different modes are accessed through a specific memory mapping as illustrated on
Figure20-5. A[23:21] bits of the transfer address are used to select the desired mode as described in
Figure 20-5. CompactFlash Memory Mapping
The A22 pin is used to drive the REG signal of the CompactFlash Device (except in True IDE
CF Address Space
Attribute Memory Mode Space
Common Memory Mode Space
I/O Mode Space
True IDE Mode Space
True IDE Alternate Mode Space
Offset 0x00E0 0000
Offset 0x00C0 0000
Offset 0x0080 0000
Offset 0x0040 0000
Offset 0x0000 0000
Table 20-6.
CompactFlash Mode Selection
Mode Base Address
Attribute Memory
Common Memory
I/O Mode
True IDE Mode
Alternate True IDE Mode