Data Sheet
Rev. E | Page 24 of 104
e AD9547 monitors the voltage on the power supplies at power-
up. When DVDD3 is greater than 2.35 V ± 0.1 V and DVDD (Pin
1, Pin 6, Pin 8, Pin 53, Pin 59, and Pin 64) is greater than 1.4 V ±
0.05 V, the device generates a 75 ns reset pulse. The power-up reset
pulse is internaland independent of the RESET pin. This internal
power-up reset sequence eliminates the need for the user to provide
external power supply sequencing. Within 45 ns after the leading
edge of the internal reset pulse, the M0 to M7 multifunction pins
function as high impedance digital inputs and continue to do so
until programmed otherwise.
During a device reset (either via the power-up reset pulse or the
RESET pin), the multifunction pins (M0 to M7) function as
high impedance inputs, but upon removal of the reset condition,
level-sensitive latches capture the logic pattern present on the
multifunction pins. Th
e AD9547 requires that the user supply
the desired logic state to the M0 to M7 pins by means of pull-up
and/or pull-down resistors (nominally 10 kΩ to 30 kΩ).
The initial state of the M0 toM7 pins following a reset is referred
to as FncInit, Bits[7:0]. Bits[7:0] of FncInit map directly to the
logic states of M[7:0], respectively. The three LSBs of FncInit
(FncInit, Bits[2:0]) determine whether the serial port interface
functions according to the SPI or the I2C protocol. Specifically,
FncInit, Bits[2:0] = 000 selects the SPI interface. Any other value
selects the I2C port, with the three LSBs of the I2C bus address
set to the value of FncInit, Bits[2:0].
The five MSBs of FncInit (FncInit, Bits[7:3]) determine the opera-
tion of the EEPROM loader. On the falling edge of RESET, if
FncInit, Bits[7:3] = 00000, then the EEPROM contents are not
transferred to the controlregisters and the device registers assume
their default values. However, if FncInit, Bits[7:3] ≠ 00000, then
the EEPROM controller transfers the contents of the EEPROM
to the control registers with CONDITION = FncInit, Bits[7:3]
The initial state of the M0 toM7 pins establishes the serialI/O port
protocol (SPI or I2C). Using the appropriate serialport protocol,
and assuming that an EEPROMdownload is not used, program the
device according tothe recommended sequence that follows.
1. Program the system clock functionality.
The system clock parameters reside in the 0x100 register
address space. They include the following:
System clock PLL controls
System clock period
System clock stability timer
It is essential to program the system clock period because many
of th
e AD9547 subsystems rely on this value. It is highly recom-
mended that the system clock stability timer be programmed, as
well. This is especially important when using the system clock PLL
but also applies if using an external systemclock source, especially
if the external source is not expected to be completely stable when
2. Initialize the system clock.
After the system clock functionality is programmed, issue an I/O
update using Register 0x0005, Bit 0 to invoke the system clock
3. Calibrate the system clock (only if using SYSCLK PLL).
Set the calibrate system clock bit in the cal/sync register (Address
0x0A02, Bit 0) and issue an I/O update. Then clear the calibrate
system clock bit and issue another I/O update. This action allows
time for the calibration toproceed while programming the
remaining device registers.
4. Program the multifunction pins (optional).
This step is required only if the user intends to use any of the
multifunction pins for status or control. The multifunction pin
parameters reside in the 0x0200 register address space. The
default configuration of the multifunction pins is as undesignated
high impedance input pins.
5. Program the IRQ functionality (optional).
This step is required only if the user intends to use the IRQ feature.
IRQ controlresides in the 0x0200 register address space. It includes
the following:
IRQ pin mode control
IRQ mask
The IRQ mask default values prevent interrupts from being
generated. The IRQ pin mode default is open-drain NMOS.
6. Program the watchdog timer (optional).
This step is required only if the user intends to use the watchdog
timer. Watchdog timer controlresides in the 0x0200 register
address space. The watchdog timer is disabled by default.
7. Program the DAC full-scale current (optional).
This step is required only if the user intends to use a full-scale
current setting other than the default value. DAC full-scale
current control resides in the 0x0200 register address space.
8. Program the digital phase-locked loop (DPLL).
The DPLL parameters reside in the 0x0300 register address
space. They include the following:
Free-run frequency (DDS frequency tuning word)
DDS phase offset
DPLL pull-in range limits
DPLL closed-loop phase offset
Phase slew control (for hitless reference switching)
Tuning word history control (for holdover operation)
9. Program the clock distribution outputs.