Mindspeed Technologies
Introduction to IMA
CX28224/5/9 Data Sheet
Software Subsystems
The internal architecture of the CX28229TAP software is composed of five logical
subsystems: Configuration (CF), Diagnostics (DG), IMA Group (GRP), Failure
Monitoring (FM), and Performance Monitoring (PM).
The following sections summarize the interfaces of the CX28224/5/9 IMA software
device driver. It is important to point out that the CX28224/5/9 products can be
configured to run in different operating environments. As such, not all the interfaces
described below are used in a given application.
Configuration (CF)
The CF subsystem is responsible for setting the operating parameters of the IMA
device that are associated with the IMA Link and IMA Group termination entities.
Additionally, some of the application specific configurations of the device are set by
this subsystem. The default value for each parameter is used to initialize and set the
operating mode of the device.
Diagnostics (DG)
The DG subsystem performs control and testing functions on the IMA device and its
environment. One role of the DG subsystem is configuration, very similar to the CF
subsystem but with different parameters. Similar in function to the Configuration
subsystem, the default value for each DG parameter is used to initialize and set the
operating mode of the device. The DG subsystem parameters are typically exercised
only during test or maintenance conditions, and may affect ATM transmission through
the device.
Failure Monitoring (FM)
The Failure Monitoring (FM) subroutine is responsible for monitoring the IMA links
and groups for defects and anomalies and integrating the defects into failures. The
primary role performed by this subsystem is alarm integration. The CX28229TAP
program is aware of changes in the state of the underlying defects and anomalies
through periodic polling. The user has control over which Failure indicators are
monitored and the length of both the activation and decay times.
Upon initializing the CX28229TAP, the Failure indications required by the ATM MIB
are enabled and the activation and decay times are set at 2.5 and 10 seconds,