Usage Notes on the Timebase Timer
This section provides notes on how clearing of an interrupt request or clearing of the
timebase timer counter affects the functions.
s Timebase Timer Usage Notes
r Clearing interrupt requests
Clear the interrupt request flag bit (TBOF) of the timebase timer control register (TBTC) to "0"
while the interrupt request enable bit (TBIE) or the interrupt level mask register (ILM) of the
processor status (PS) is set to disabled.
r Functions affected by clearing of the timebase timer counter
Interval timer function (interval interrupt)
When the watchdog timer is being used
r Use of the timebase timer as the oscillation settling time timer
In stop mode in which the operating clock stops, the timebase timer counter is cleared and
stopped. When the timebase timer counter is cleared, the clock supplied from it starts to be
supplied again from the initial state. As a result, the H level may be shortened or the L level
may be prolonged by half a cycle at the maximum. Although the clock for the watchdog timer
also starts to be supplied again from the initial state, the watchdog timer operates in normal
cycles because the watchdog timer counter is cleared at the same time.
r Notes on peripheral functions to which clocks are supplied from the timebase timer
At power-on or in stop mode, the source oscillation is stopped.
Thus, the timebase timer
counter places the oscillation stabilization interval for the operating clock using the clock
supplied from the oscillator.
Depending on the oscillator type, an appropriate oscillation
stabilization interval must be specified.
For more information, see Secti
on 4.5 "Oscillation Stabilization Wait Interval".