16.4 8/10-Bit A/D Converter Registers
Be sure to stop the A/D conversion before rewriting the A/D conversion resolution setting bit
(S10). If the bit is rewritten after the A/D conversion started, the A/D data register (ADCR0/
ADCR1) contents are undefined.
To read the A/D data register (ADCR0/ADCR1), be sure to use the word transfer instructions
(such as MOVW A and 002EH) when 10-bit resolution mode is specified.
Table 16.4-3 Function Description of Each Bit of A/D Control Status Register (ADCR0/ADCR1)
Bit name
A/D conversion
resolution setting bit
This bit is used to set the resolution for A/D conversion.
When this bit is "0", the 10-bit resolution is set.
When this bit is "1", the 8-bit resolution is set.
A/D data bits to be used depend on the resolution. In 10-bit
resolution mode, the D9 to D0 bits are used. In 8-bit resolution
mode, the D7 to D0 bits are used.
ST1, ST0: Sampling
time setting bit
This bit is used to set the sampling time for A/D conversion.
When A/D conversion is activated, the analog input is captured
for the time interval specified by the sampling time setting bits
(ST1, ST0).
When "00B" is set, the machine clock frequency should be
equal to or less than 8 MHz.
If "00B" is set when the machine clock frequency is 16 MHz,
normal analog conversion values may not be obtained.
CT1, CT0:
Comparison time
setting bit
This bit is used to set the compare time for A/D conversion.
The A/D conversion result is determined after the analog input
is captured (sampling time passed) and the compare time
interval specified by the compare time setting bits (CT1, CT0).
In 10-bit resolution mode, the result is stored in the A/D data
bits (D9 to D0). In 8-bit resolution mode, the result is stored in
the A/D data bits (D7 to D0).
When "00B" is set, the machine clock frequency should be
equal to or less than 8 MHz.
If "00B" is set when the machine clock frequency is 16 MHz,
normal analog conversion values may not be obtained.
Undefined bit
The value read from this bit is undefined.
The value set to this bit does not affect operation.
bit9 - bit0
D9 - D0:
A/D data bit
These bits are used to store A/D conversion results. They are
rewritten after each A/D conversion is completed.
Normally, the final conversion value is stored.
The initial value is undefined.
The A/D conversion data protection function is available (For
details, see Section 16.6, "Operation of the 8/10-Bit A/D
Do not write data to the A/D data bits during A/D conversion.