GT-48001A Switched Ethernet Controller
Revision 1.6
(Section 10.2.2) to back to the same device where the target device
number is equal to the source device number. The correct port number is also specified. This
BUFFER_REQUEST is of the same format that is used between GalNet devices (arrow #2).
The packet is then sent out on a port of same source device as specified by the CPU.
Forward the packet to a different device.
(Section 10.2.2) to the destination device. This BUFFER_REQUEST
is of the same format that is used between GalNet devices and uses the source device number as the Source
Device instead of the CPU device number (arrow #4).
The target device allocates a buffer and sends a START_OF_PACKET message
(Section 10.2.3) to the source
device (arrow #5).
The source device transfers the packet with the PACKET_TRANSFER message
(Section 10.2.4) followed by
Take the packet.
The CPU sends a START_OF_PACKET message
(Section 10.3.6) back to the source GalNet device. The tar-
get device in this message is the CPU number. The source GT-48001A device transfers the packet with the
(Section 10.3.8) using PCI master operations in multiple eight 32-bit bursts.
The first data word of the packet will be written to the second word of the buffer. The first word is left empty for
the END_OF_PACKET message. NOTE: Unicast packets tagged for intervention mode are not forwarded to
the same buffer space that is specified by the CPU Buffer Base Address (CBA) at offset 0x140034).
At the end of the packet transfer, the source GT-48001A sends the END_OF_PACKET message
(Section10.3.11) to the first word of the buffer. It also sends an interrupt via Int* to the CPU, and clears the appropriate
bit in its Empty List.
The CPU buffer now contains the packet whose destination address was marked for intervention. The CPU can per-
form a number of functions with the packet including layer 3 routing, security, virtual LAN support, filtering and manage-
ment. After the CPU has modified the packet, the packet can be transferred to the appropriate target GalNet device
Unicast Intervention Mode Address Space
Prior to the CPU receiving unicast packets tagged for intervention mode, an address space for GalNet devices to for-
ward packets to must be allocated. This address space should reside in the GalNet protocol region (see
Section 10.1).
Therefore, this buffer region will have a similar address to a GalNet device. The buffer address format is shown in
Table 5: Buffer Address for Unicast Intervention Mode Packets
PCI Bi ts
D escr ip tio n
GalNet Protocol Region
CPU Device Number (bits [12:8] in 0x1400 30)
‘1’ (DRAM)
DRAM location