5.5.1 Entering and Exiting Hold
The bus hold acknowledge state, Th, is entered in
response to the HOLD input being asserted. In the
bus hold acknowledge state, the Intel386 DX floats
all output or bidirectional signals, except for HLDA.
HLDA is asserted as long as the Intel386 DX re-
mains in the bus hold acknowledge state. In the bus
hold acknowledge state, all inputs except HOLD,
, and PEREQ are ig-
nored (also up to one rising edge on NMI is remem-
bered for processing when HOLD is no longer as-
For maximum design flexibility the Intel386 DX has no
internal pullup resistors on its outputs. Your design may
require an external pullup on ADS
and other Intel386
DX outputs to keep them negated during float periods.
Figure 5-25. Requesting Hold from Idle Bus
Th may be entered from a bus idle state as in Figure
5-25 or after the acknowledgement of the current
physical bus cycle if the LOCK
signal is not assert-
ed, as in Figures 5-26 and 5-27. If HOLD is asserted
during a locked bus cycle, the Intel386 DX may exe-
cute one unlocked bus cycle before acknowledging
HOLD. If asserting BS16
requires a second 16-bit
bus cycle to complete a physical operand transfer, it
is performed before HOLD is acknowledged, al-
though the bus state diagrams in Figures 5-13 and
5-20 do not indicate that detail.
Th is exited in response to the HOLD input being
negated. The following state will be Ti as in Figure
5-25 if no bus request is pending. The following bus
state will be T1 if a bus request is internally pending,
as in Figures 5-26 and 5-27.
Th is also exited in response to RESET being assert-
If a rising edge occurs on the edge-triggered NMI
input while in Th, the event is remembered as a non-
maskable interrupt 2 and is serviced when Th is exit-
ed, unless of course, the Intel386 DX is reset before
Th is exited.
5.5.2 Reset During Hold Acknowledge
RESET being asserted takes priority over HOLD be-
ing asserted. Therefore, Th is exited in reponse to
the RESET input being asserted. If RESET is assert-
ed while HOLD remains asserted, the Intel386 DX
drives its pins to defined states during reset, as in
Table 5-3 Pin State During Reset
, and performs
internal reset activity as usual.
If HOLD remains asserted when RESET is negated,
the Intel386 DX enters the hold acknowledge state
before performing its first bus cycle, provided HOLD
is still asserted when the Intel386 DX would other-
wise perform its first bus cycle. If HOLD remains as-
serted when RESET is negated, the BUSY
input is
still sampled as usual to determine whether a self
test is being requested, and ERROR
is still sam-
pled as usual to determine whether a Intel387 DX
coprocessor vs. an 80287 (or none) is present.
5.5.3 Bus Activity During and
Following Reset
RESET is the highest priority input signal, capable of
interrupting any processor activity when it is assert-
ed. A bus cycle in progress can be aborted at any
stage, or idle states or bus hold acknowledge states
discontinued so that the reset state is established.
RESET should remain asserted for at least 15 CLK2
periods to ensure it is recognized throughout the In-
tel386 DX, and at least 80 CLK2 periods if Intel386
DX self-test is going to be requested at the falling
edge. RESET asserted pulses less than 15 CLK2
periods may not be recognized. RESET pulses less
than 80 CLK2 periods followed by a self-test may